has anybody heard anything regarding winn parish?
leighton jackson

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Here goes one of those stories, but I once talked to a guy who swore up and down an oil well was drilled somewhere in Winn Parish and they hit oil and it flowed to a point where it flooded the location and nearby creeks. It was determined that this was such a huge find that they shut down the operation and deemed the find to be so important that it wouldn't be tapped again until a time of national emergency. Like I said, here goes one of those stories but it was told to me about 10 years ago before any shale madness had hit.
It was found by an old man named Jed...

I guarantee if there was such a reservoir, someone would be drilling it.
Just like if there was a produceable Haynesville reservoir in Winn Parish, someone would be producing it. A good indication would be the Weyerhauser 10 drilled to 15000+ feet and plugged and abandoned in early 2009. The LA minerals 36 was drilled to 15500 feet and P&A'ed in late 2009.
I think the Haynesville will be deeper that 15000 in a lot of places in Winn. There are some older wells that went below 20000 feet in Winn, so a look at the logs may tell the story. Check, why don't you check the deep logs and give us your expert opinion on where the shale is.
My opinion wouldn't mean much as I am not a geologist, most of those old logs wouldn't be of any use when it comes to shale gas analysis. How much would it cost to drill and complete a horizontal well at 16000-20000 feet? I am going to say around 20+ million at a minimum, what kind of pressure would it take to fracture? Somewhere way above the 15K limit that most well stimulation companies will even attempt to run.
Thats what sharpens the knife of knowledge, new technology, they played with depth in the Barnett, they are playing with depth in the Haynesville as they go, they didn't know crap until they started drilling. I am not a science person either but I know O&G, and as the old joke goes "If all the whores were on the moon, one ethnic group would find a way to get there in a Cadillac El Dorado"
I would think technology wouldn't be the problem, but @ $4 gas and dropping there a lot better looking fish in the sea
Ain't that the truth. I have been working oil projects for the past 6 months.
Olddog, I have heard stories like this on nearly ever play I have been on. I love them all but I always remind myself that these are mostly just started by rig hands that would like for someone else to by them a beer in the local watering hole. It may have happened, I wish that it is true, but I doubt that it is the case.
Back in 1978 or 79, after seismic testing, Getty Oil leased several thousand acres in Southeast Winn Parish. Their landman told me they were going to drill to the Bossier Shale at about 16,000 ft. The well was never drilled.
as i said here goes one of those stories. i was working as a mud engineer at the time out of the bossier office and i hadn't heard anything about it. wild rumors are out there and they can be funny if you don't take them seriously.
olddog, I take all stories seriously, and got my fingers crossed that one will pan out some day, I once bought leases for a dude that was running on an old time method of finding O&G. by the way the creeks run. He hit like 4 out of 5 wells, and the fifth was not a dud. This wasn't long ago.


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