Does anyone know if there is a market in south Desoto for more cell tower locations?
If an landowner had a no surface lease, would the running mineral lease prohibit a cell tower being placed on the surface?
Would the cell tower company not find the land attractive because there is a mineral lease?
Anyone have any knowledge about this?
I figure with more and more activity in DeSoto, that the current towers may be lacking.
Am I off track?

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what would a mineral lease have to do with a cell tower?
I don't know, I guess the same way they restrict hunting, their may be some kind of clause that says no structures over some number of feet, or some other way to restrict it.
I don't know that is why I am asking.
what does your lease say?

Does it actually restrict hunting? I doubt it.
Yes, many lease addenda add a feature that restrict hunting, fishing, and discharging of firearms. I even added that into my pipeline ROW contract. You cannot be too careful....
Are you on a particularly high spot? Is there something else special about your land from a cell tower perspective?

Cell companies really need more cell towers right now, but unless you have something special, they can just buy or rent the space from someone else.

This thread may be of some interest to you.
Thank you for the redirect to the other thread.
Thanks for the links found in that thread.
I will be checking into it.

You asked if my property was 'special' no really.
Is it high. No.
I am talking with no real educaiton in the matter but on the west coast, which is much more highly poplulated and I realize that, it does not matter if your land is higher than the surrounding area, and beacuse there are so few places they can get the permit and where a landowner will allow them to locate a tower, I guess that kills the competition factor somewhat. Many landowners don't want a tower on their land beacuse they think they are linked with cancer. (No one lives on our land.)
As a matter of fact in the Bay Area, there are chruch parking lots with up to 4 separate cell towers from different carriers, each pulling about $1500-1900 per month. Let's face it in this economy people have a hard time making their .10 tithe, if they were tithing in the first place. So the income in many cases is, excuse my pun, a Godsend.
Like I said, this is a much more highly dense populated area, and there are probably more digital users with phones, laptops and all kinds of other devices that need lots of bandwidth.
So, considering the gas lease may be up and down I was just thinking a steady check for 5-10 years might be something to look into.
Desoto parish is growoing, if nothing else, with lots of business and labor to get all those wells held by production, they have to stay in contact with the home office and family and other workers, so let me give them what they want.

Still looking for more information.
I doubt that anywhere in DeSoto Parish a cell site would get $1500-1900 per month. Maybe downtown Shreveport.
Yes, I doubt it too.
Several chirches I frequented as a child, and the one I was baptised, Sunday Schooled, 1st married in, parents funerals held at all have at least 3 cell towers. One is negotiating a 4tth now.
That rate is for the San Fancisco Bay Area, very over populated, digitized and landlocked, so they have to pay rates that will entice people if they can find a location where they can get a permit.
Currently there are cities in the area that are putting moratoriums on more towers so that makes it even harder for them to find and negotiate a site.
Well south De Soto is a far cry from San Fransisco



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