Hi All! Just a few questions that I hope you can answer for me! Has anyone been approached to lease in this area? If so, by who? What are the terms they are offering? Did you sign? I would like to get in contact with any Un-leased mineral owners and share any notes: present or future. Just for the record, we have NOT YET been approached, but I know we will in time! Go Sweetspot! GO San Augustine! R.

Views: 176

Replies to This Discussion

It sounds like they're already building branch lines off the big header (24"). that's good news!
jffree1, you have proven to be the champion at acquiring and distributing knowledge for the entire Texas play. I truely admire the depth of your dedication to the GHS concept. Keep the communications coming and THANKS from all of us!
jffree1, i second that!
Thanks guys. I am a bona fide shale junkie... I confess.
No doubt about it jffree1. Thanks for all you do for us!
I've got property around the Chiquapin area as well so I too am keeping a watchful eye out. By the way, I heard yesterday the Texas Railroad Commission just released a drilling permit around HWY 96 and HWY 103. Looks like its coming our way. Good luck to all. And lets all keep each other posted.
Rodney, those are 8,000' James Lime permits in Mc Mahon, A-28, I think it is. It's good to see any activity but, unless amended, those will not be Haynesville wells.
Where geographically is the A-17 C. Hereford Survey well located?
Rodney, we have another discussion topic about this site:


It will be a little northwest of your location, I think.
Ronda and Bruce...do you have Ray and Annie Dickerson's land? If so, we are right next to you!!!!!!!
Annette,we are at the old cooper place, with the white fence and RV's out front...where r u?
We are next to the old saw mill on FM 1751...I don't know who owns the land now...my Mom sold it to the saw mill because they kept coming over on our land, but we kept the mineral rights...my Aunt that lives in Oklahoma did the same thing and she is next to us. Then there is Ray and Annie Dickerson...don't know who they sold to...I think the children sold the property...the children were Lee Allen Dickerson, Martin Gable Dickerson, Annie Ray Dickerson Mott, and Beulah Mae.


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