The Land & Knowles 18 H #1 well is at 15,138 ft. and drilling.

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Are more checks going out to Sec. 18? We still do not have ours
We still have not received ours either so I called Encana today. I was concerned it may have been lost in the mail. I was told I was not yet eligible for a payment yet because they have still not completed the title work??!! She said they also have others that are not complete but they are hoping to resolve them all by the end of the year. I'm completely baffled as to why the title work was not complete before they issued bonus payments. Maybe someone could explain? I would appreciate any info!
That surprises me too.Prior to Haynesville Shale, operators would pay the $100-150 an ac. for sign on bonuses & not do title wk. until well came in;however, with the large bonuses being paid for HS, usually title wk. back to patent was done BEFORE the lg. bonuses were paid
Yeah, this surprises me too. I can't imagine them handing over large sums of money for bonus payments without title work. It seems very irresponsible to me. Maybe they were just in too big a hurry to get all the leases signed to do it beforehand. When she told me they were doing title work I told her we signed the lease 2 years ago! She said yeah but they don't do it until a well is drilled. I said ok but it was drilled back in March! She said well it did not go online until last month! Which is it, when it is drilled or when it goes online cause that could be a long distance in between! So anyway, she seems to think my husband and I should get a check next month but I have no idea how she could possibly know that. I still am a little lost as to what is going on.

Not to mention, some people that got checks are confused as to what they were even paid for as there are no production dates on the stub. All it says is August 10. We have now heard it is for 10 days, 14 days and 21 days so who knows! Maybe it will all get sorted out eventually!
When and how Encana does title work, and when other checks will come.... I don't know. The Land & Knowles 18 H #1 check dated Oct. 14, is for August 2010 production which was 10 days. The well went online and flowback started August 21, therefore only 10 days of production for August.
As of Nov. 5, we do not have pmt. on Sec. 18. Anyone else out there still without pmt
Land & Knowles 18H #1 completion has been posted to SONRIS.

COMPLETED 8-19-10; GAS; HAYNESVILLE RA; 17,289 MCFD; 23/64 CHOKE; 192 BWD; 7237# CP; PERFS 12,479-16,200' MD

Sept-2010 production: 448006.83 MFC.
September checks are in the mail.
As of Nov. 18, we do not have our check. What about other in this section? Do you all have checks
I called Encana again today to see if we would get a check this month and he said no. We have still not received a check period. I plan on calling owner relations tomorrow to see what they know. I was told last month that we should get a check this month. We'll see.
Yes got first check last month on the 20th for August
I emailed them last night to see when we would get our check. I don't know when Encana writes checks. With Petrohawk, they write checks on the 15th of the month and one can expect it within 4 days after that. I am missing our 2 Petrohawk cks. for Nov. I have to assume it is the Post Office fault. We get ours at a p.o. box in Shreveport and are always missing mail. Think we will start having royalties direct deposited after this experience.
MS Kitty,
Encana told me in September that their check should be in your mail box on the 20th of each month and sure enough it was exactly on the 20th of October. Now I am waiting on this month hope it's there today or tomorrow. If you here something post



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