The Brazos Gas Unit Well No. 1 willbe drilled to 13,000 feet four miles southeast of Wells in the Raintree (TravisPeak Consolidated) Field. This well will be drilled by Brammer Engineering inthe J. De La Garza Survey, A15.
Parten Operating will drill theSimmons Well No. 3 to 11,600 feet five miles northwest of Teague in the Hollman(7777) Field. This well is in the M. Cantun Survey, A7 and may be drilled in awildcat field or the Teague (Cotton Valley-Bossier Consolidated) Field.
XTO Energy will drill the Bailey GasUnit "A" Well No. 20 to 15,000 feet 1.7 miles southwest of Donie inthe Farrar (Cotton Valley Lime) Field. This well is in the J. Hume Survey, A297and may be drilled in the Southeast Farrar (Pettit) Field or the Farrar (TravisPeak) Field.
Johnson County
TXO Energy will drill the Dixon UnitWell No. B7H to 10,000 feet 5.6 miles northwest of Alvarado in the East Newark(Barnett Shale) Field. This well is in the J.F. Salas Survey, A760.
Devon Energy will drill eight newwells in the East Newark (Barnett Shale) Field to a depth of 9,000 feet.
The Verdia Boles Well No. 4H is 14.5 milesnortheast of Cleburne in the V. Anderson Survey, A1.
The John Edward King Well No. 5H is 9.3 mileswest of Cleburne in the H&TC RR Co. Survey, A394.
The Don Balentine Well No. 4H, No. 5H and No.6H are 10.1 miles northeast of Cleburne in the M.A. Mitchell Survey, A559.
The John King Edward King Well No. 2H, No. 3Hand No. 4H are 9.3 miles west of Cleburne in the H&TC RR Co. Survey, A394.
Chesapeake Operating will drill anew well in the East Newark (Barnett Shale) Field to 9,000 feet. The KinnearWell No. 8H is nine miles north of Cleburne in the C. Chaney Survey, A175.
The Colonel Hogan Well No. 1H willbe drilled to 7,500 feet 3.5 miles southeast of Burleson in the East Newark(Barnett Shale) Field by Titan Operating. This well is in the A. Foster Survey,A284.
In a lease 15 miles southeast ofNacogdoches, in the Nacogdoches Field, the Moon Pie Well No. 1 will be drilledby Sonerra Resources to 600 feet in the J.M. Mora Survey, A827.
XTO Energy will drill the GrizzliesDU Well No. 1H to 13,600 feet two miles northeast of Chireno in the Carthage(Haynesville Shale) Field. The well is in the J.I. Y'Barbo Survey, A60.
Anadarko E&P will drill theBorders-Smith Unit 3 Well No. 5H to 12,000 feet 7.4 miles southeast of Carthagein the Carthage (Cotton Valley) Field. This well is in the J. Soope Survey,A870.
Classic Operating will drill theDavid Dunham Well No. 2 in the Carthage (Haynesville Shale) Field. This well is3.4 miles west of Joaquin to 11,000 feet in the C.Q. Haley Survey, A274 and maybe drilled in the Carthage (Cotton Valley) Field or the Joaquin (Travis Peak)Field.
O'Benco will drill the Miller WellNo. 1 to 11,500 feet 10.6 miles northwest of Franklin in the Bald Prairie (CottonValley Consolidated) Field. This well is in the H. Coulter Survey, A80.
In a lease four miles northwest ofHearne in the Bald Prairie (Cotton Valley Consolidated) Field, the Horn GasUnit Well No. 8 will be drilled by XTO Energy to14,600 feet in the W. CrailSurvey, A112.
The Jensen Well No. 1 will bedrilled to 12,000 feet 2.7 miles northeast of New Salem in a wildcat field byBuffco Production. The well is in the J. McWilliams Survey, A539 and may bedrilled in the Minden (Travis Peak Consolidated) Field.
Carrizo Oil & Gas, Inc. willdrill eight wells in the East Newark (Barnett Shale) Field to 9,000 feet sevenmiles northwest of Mansfield in the T. Beedy Survey A1781.
The wells are designated the SwapoII B Unit Well No. 2H, the Swapo II B Unit Well No. 3H, the Swapo II B UnitWell No. 4H, the Swapo II B Unit Well No. 5H, the Swapo II B Unit Well No. 6H,the Swapo II B Unit Well No. 7H, the Swapo II B Unit Well No. 8H and the SwapoII B Unit Well No. 9H.
Titan Operating will drill the C.Trinity Unit Well No. 1H to 8,000 feet 2.4 miles southwest of Southlake in theEast Newark (Barnett Shale) Field. This is in the W.E. Crooks Survey, A295.
Chesapeake Operating will drill fourwells in the East Newark (Barnett Shale) Field to a depth of 9,000 feet.
The GM West Well No. 4H is .9miles northeast of Arlington in the M. Harris Survey, A704.
The Barron Well No. 3H and theBarron Well No. 4H are within the city limits of Arlington in the R.R. RameySurvey, A1341.
The Swapo II B Unit Well No. 11His within the city limits of Fort Worth in the J.C. Houston Survey, A720.
The Bouknight Well No. 1 is 2.2 miles east of Gladewater in the Willow Springs Field. Harleton Oil & Gas completed this well to 7,800 feet. On a full choke, the well flowed with 37 barrels of crude. Production is in the Middle Pettit.
In a lease 6.9 miles southwest of Diana, in the North Lansing Field, the Double K Gas Unit Well No. 1H has been completed by Burk Royalty to 14,902 feet and potentialed 6.471 million cubic feet of gas on a 38/64inch choke. Production is in the Cotton Valley Lower.
Pinnergy completed the Gill SWD Well No. 1 to 6,020 feet five miles south of Marshall in the Blocker Field. No test data recorded. Production is in the Page.
On an adjustable choke, the Whittaker Well No. 5H potentialed 5.039 million cubic feet of gas. NFR Energy completed the well to 13,785 feet seven miles southwest of Marshall in theBlocker Field. Production is in the Cotton Valley.
The Weatherby Unit Well No. 6H and the Williams Smith Unit Well No. B2H have been completed by XTO Energy in the East Newark Field.
The No. 6H hit 9,874 feet and potentialed 2.741 million cubic feet of gas on a 64/64inch choke.
The No. B2H hit 9,707 feet and potentialed 2.386 million cubic feet of gas on a 64/64inch choke. Production is in the Barnett Shale.
Chesapeake Operating completed five new wells in the East Newark Field.
The East Allen Well No. 2H hit11,013 feet nine miles north of Cleburne and potentialed 2.513 million cubic feet of gas on a 1inch choke.
The Terry Well No. 7H hit 10,447feet 11.5 miles northeast of Cleburne and potentialed 4.016 million cubic feetof gas on a 1inch choke.
The Chaney Well No. 3H hit 11,765feet 1.9 miles northeast of Cleburne and potentialed 5.222 million cubic feetof gas on a 1inch choke.
The Chaney Well No. 4H hit 11,794feet 1.9 miles northeast of Cleburne and potentialed 4.589 million cubic feetof gas on a 1inch choke.
The Mize Family Well No. 18H hit 8,752 feet 6.6 miles northwest of Cleburne and potentialed 1.267 million cubic feet of gas on a .75inch choke. Production is in the Barnett Shale.
EnCana Oil & Gas completed the NCC Unit Well No. 1 to 18,500 feet 2.7 miles west of Wealthy in the Hilltop Resort Field. This well potentialed 20.704 million cubic feet of gas on a 20/64-inch choke. Production is in the Bossier.
Devon Energy completed the Rambin Gas Unit Well No. 1H to 17,912 feet 8.7 miles south of Nacogdoches in the Carthage Field. On an adjustable choke the well potentialed 4.200 million cubicfeet of gas. Production is in the Haynesville Shale.
On a 22/64-inch choke the Lauren Alston Unit Well No. 1H potentialed 13.776 million cubic feet of gas. EOG Resources completed the well to 19,424 feet 1.3 miles northeast of Woden in the Carthage Field. Production is in the Haynesville Shale.
Anadarko E&P completed the CGU 4Well No. 14 and the CGU 4 Well No. 18 3.3 miles southwest of Carthage in theCarthage Field.
The No. 14 hit 9,820 feet on a 26/64 inch choke. This well potentialed 1.186 million cubic feet of gas.
The No. 18 hit 10,020 feet and on a 26/64inch choke potentialed 896,000 cubic feet of gas. Production is in the Cotton Valley.
Patara Oil & Gas completed two new wells in the Beckville Field.
The C. Brooks Well No. 5 hit 10,334feet 13.2 miles northwest of Carthage and potentialed 1.277 million cubic feet of gas on a 20/64inch choke.
The C. Brooks Well No. 10 hit 10,250 feet 12.5 miles northwest of Carthage and potentialed 1.004 million cubic feetof gas on a 22/64inch choke. Production is in the Cotton Valley.
In a lease 12.9 miles north ofFranklin, in the Hilltop Resort Field, the Adams-State Unit Well No. 6 was completed by EnCana Oil & Gas. The well hit 18,350 feet and potentialed 1.344 million cubic feet of gas on a 12/64inch choke. Production is in the Bossier.
Cabot Oil & Gas completed theNeal Gas Unit Well No. 1 to 10,728 feet 5.31 miles southwest of Long Branch in the Southeast Brachfield Field. On an adjustable choke the well potentialed 99,000 cubic feet of gas. Production is in the Cotton Valley.
SanAugustine County
The A. Vinery Greer OU Well No. 1H was completed by Cabot Oil & Gas to 12,005 feet 7 miles northwest of SanAugustine in the Angie Field. On a 38/64inch choke, the well flowed with 336 barrels of crude. Production is in the Pettet.
The Carthage Field has seen the Gobi Well No. 1 completed to 18,000 feet by Crimson Exploration 1.2 miles south ofSan Augustine. On a 16/64inch choke the well potentialed 11.973 million cubicfeet of gas. Production is in the Haynesville Shale.
On a 22/64inch choke the ADJMinerals 153 Shale Unit Well No. 1H potentialed 18.191 million cubic feet ofgas. Exco Operating completed the well to 19,951 feet 4.5 miles northeast of Attoyac in the Carthage Field. Production is in the Haynesville Shale.
Chesapeake Operating completed awell in the East Newark Field. The Landing Well No. 1H hit 2,900 feet 4.1 milessouthwest of Arlington and potentialed 4.309 million cubic feet of gas on a.75inch choke. Production is in the Barnett Shale.
Devon Energy completed theL.B.J.Blakley "CB" (SA) Well No. 1 and the L.B.J.Blakley"CB" (SA) Well No. 2 in the East Newark Field. The wells are is 1.5miles northwest of Haslet.
The No. 1 hit 12,355 feet and potentialed 2.473 million cubic feet of gas on a 22/64inch choke.
The No. 2 hit 11,839 feet and potentialed 1.822 million cubic feet of gas on a 22/64inch choke. Production is in the Barnett Shale.
XTO Energy completed ten new wellsin the East Newark Field.
The TRWD Wildlife D Unit Well No. 2Hhit 9,717 feet within the city limits of Fort Worth and potentialed 2.497 million cubic feet of gas on a 28/64inch choke.
The Timber Creek C Unit Well No. 5Hhit 12,310 feet within the city limits of Benbrook and potentialed 4.173million cubic feet of gas on a 44/64inch choke.
The Edwards Overland SE A Unit WellNo. 1H hit 12,362 feet within the city limits of Fort Worth and potentialed 2.025 million cubic feet of gas.
The Harris Unit Well No. 1H hit11,705 feet within the city limits of Arlington and potentialed 3.319 million cubic feet of gas on a 36/64inch choke.
The D Love Unit Well No. B 6H hit10,188 feet 1.1 miles southeast of Kennedale and potentialed 4.026 million cubic feet of gas on a 54/64inch choke.
The Lynn Unit Well No. 2H hit 11,020feet 8.3 miles southwest of Grand Prairie and potentialed 3.788 million cubic feet of gas on a 64/64inch choke.
The Lynn Unit Well No. 3H hit 12,039feet 8.3 miles southwest of Grand Prairie and potentialed 2.969 million cubic feet of gas on a 64/64inch choke.
The E. Knapp Unit Well No. 2H hit12,240 feet within the city limits of Mansfield and potentialed 4.089 million cubic feet of gas.
The F. Knapp Unit Well No. 2H hit12,000 feet within the city limits of Mansfield and potentialed 2.699 million cubic feet of gas on a 17/64inch choke.
The TRWD C Unit Well No. 6H hit10,605 feet four miles northwest of Avondale and potentialed 2.395 million cubic feet of gas on a 28/64inch choke. Production is in the Barnett Shale.
The Trimble Unit Well No. 2H hit9,702 feet 1.6 miles west of Everman in the East Newark Field. This well was completed by Range Production. On a 40/64inch choke the well potentialed 2.553 million cubic feet of gas. Production is in the Barnett Shale.
Titan Operating completed theCourtney Unit Well No. 2H to 9,365 feet 4.5 miles southwest of Benbrook in the East Newark Field. On a 40.8/64inch choke the well potentialed 3.268 million cubic feet of gas. Production is in the Barnett Shale.
Chesapeake Operating completed three wells in the East Newark Field.
The Links Well No. 1H hit 12,586feet within the city limits of Arlington and potentialed 3.914 million cubic feet of gas on a 1inch choke.
The Lindamood Well No. 2H hit 11,608feet 14.5 miles southwest of Fort Worth and potentialed 2.705 million cubicfeet of gas on a .75inch choke.
The Colby Well No. 3H hit 12,486feet 4.6 miles southeast of Arlington and potentialed 5.021 million cubic feetof gas on a 1inch choke. Production is in the Barnett Shale.
VanZandt County
Paul E. Cameron Jr. completed the C.L. York Well No. 5 to 1,400 feet 2.5 miles northeast of Van in the Van Field.This well flowed with two barrels of crude, choke size not recorded. Productionis in the Shallow.
The Fruitvale Field has seen theMullins Well No. 2H completed by Jamex to 11,567 feet 3.5 miles south toCanton. The well flowed with 85 barrels of crude, no choke size recorded.
Tags: Barnett, Cotton, Drilling, East, Haynesville, Peak, Report, Shale, Texas, Travis, More…Valley
Any news on the EOG McKinney well in Denning (San Augustine)?
Not yet Martha. Maybe it won't be much longer.
Mike, I'm always happy when I have helped someone.
Thank you for the post!
Shale drilling and lithium extraction are seemingly distinct activities, but there is a growing connection between the two as the world moves towards cleaner energy solutions. While shale drilling primarily targets…
ContinuePosted by Keith Mauck (Site Publisher) on November 20, 2024 at 12:40
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