deltic stock is going nuts i guess because they have such a huge

mineral interest in the brown dense area and the leasing companies

are still going full bore so i would conclude that the well is a smoker.

anyone else have any insight?

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Thank, Joe! I shall review.


Yes, alot of the old fields suffered from that. Thankfully, the areas have, or are in process of being, healed.

Thanks for posting the Smackover Well Logs from Colombia County, Arkansas... this formation never ceases to amaze me...

"this formation never ceases to amaze me..."


Why is that Jeff?

By statute, an Interested Party list is a means of providing notice to all mineral and surface ownership interests within the boundaries of a proposed development unit.  This would include every individual or entity ownership contained in the public record.

Skip, when the IP list is written up, is a copy sent to all of those owners on the list? 

Or, is it a matter of owners having to keep on the lookout for such publications on their own?

And if so -- where should I be watching for that?

The state requires that a notice of application letter go to all the Interested Parties on the list.  In LA. the IP list also includes all ownership interests outside of but immediately adjacent to the proposed unit boundary to a distance of 1000'.  I'm not knowledgeable concerning the specifics in AR.  No, the list is not sent, only the notice letter.  However the law firm handling the application for the applicant has the list and you may request a copy.  Once the unit order is approved, the IP list should become a part of the permanent application/order file.
Are the interested parties in the unit just mineral owners and owners of oil and gas leases?   Can investors or any other type party be on the interested parties list?  What about surface owners with no minerals?  There are almost a dozen oil/investor type companies listed on the new Brammer/Anderson unit/well application. I am just trying to understand what defines an interested party.
Those on the list are owners of surface and/or mineral interests.  Surface owners are noticed owing to the requirement by state law allowing access to their property in order to extract the minerals.  Those individuals or companies with active mineral leases are also included because they will be force pooled into the unit.  No, investors and those merely "interested" in the application are not included on the list.  In areas where there has been a long history of exploration it would not be unusual to find numerous "oil" companies and mineral ownership firms involved in the land to be unitized.  All those on the IP list have some type of ownership interest.
Thanks.  So all of the oil companies listed will end up with some type of ownership in the unit.  Does this ownership give these companies rights to the well data?
Those oil companies will likely end up as Working Interests in the well.  All Working Interests not only pay their share of the well cost but have access to all the science generated by the operator.  Electric logs, cores, etc. You're welcome, L.



As you stated, investors are not included in an IP list, if they are "share holders" of the oil & gas companies involved. However, as with the independent I work with, individuals will invest in the companies projects as "working interest" owners and as an investor through that means, they become part of "All those on the IP list with some type of ownership interest." Just thought I would expand on that a bit as a few folks I know consider WI ownership their "investment". Thanks for your insights.

Paul, the IP lists that I am familiar with represent a cursory review of the public record; tax records at the assessor's office and conveyance records at the clerk of court.  If an ownership interest is contained in the public record, it goes on the list.  If not, it doesn't.  IP lists are not given scrutiny.  They are a perfunctory item required to accompany an application.  Few are complete or fully correct as to current addresses. I do find it of interest that in AR. an application will often contain a transcript of communications between the applicant's landman and some or all of the mineral owners.  I suspect that it is the basis for asking the state to compel the owners to take the lease terms that the operator is willing to offer if those owners do not acquiesce.



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