Saudi's claim global oil market 'oversupplied' - cut production

In the face of $4 gallon gasoline and $105 bbl crude oil Saudi Arabia has cut back production because the market was 'oversupplied' and global demand was 'weak'. We think otherwise.

Investors using the 'Kelly formula" to allocate investments should do very well here - we are entering a "New Era" in the oil sector in our opinion:

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pretty much, the price of oil is mostly supply and demand with the largest producers having the largest influence, as usual.  if they really investigated the JPMorgue, Golden Sach and ZBoM (zombie bank of america), maybe they'd find something, but i would be shocked if it were actually a real investigation.


i do think some of these hedge funds and other energy trading desks should probably be looked at, i don't like not having the uptick rule for shorting, and we should re-institute glass-steagal and break up these gigantic banks, but i fear that ship has sailed.

Folks, the thirty year party is over.  The punch bowl is empty and we're out of kool-aid, so it's back to the water fountain.  You'll have to bring your own cup if you want a drink, and please leave a dime in the donation box so we can keep the lights on. 


The bragging rights are going to change around here also.  The biggest, longest trucks are going to be made into yard ornaments and those squeaky put-puts will be king of the road.  If you do want to fill up the tank in that tank, you'll have to wait until payday, then you can be a big shot for a couple of days until the needle bumps the big "E" again. 


During this transition period, please watch for grown fat men riding bicycles with sissy bars.  One of them will be me.  I have a old motorcycle helmet with a peace sign half stuck on the top of it that glows in the dark.  I'll try to stay off the interstate, but sometimes you have to get downtown, so keep an eye out, OK? 


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