Austin Chalk in Louisiana: including Avoyelles, Rapides, Pointe Coupee, Florida Parishes, East Baton Rouge, Vernon

Horizontal drilling, improved seismic testing,  and liner casing are offering new hope for the deep minerals in parts of the Austin Chalk which runs from near Austin, Texas through the middle of Louisiana to Biloxi Mississippi. 

In 1995, the USGS determined that the Austin Chalk is one of our Nation's largest, onshore domestic unconventional, continuous-type oil resource. More recently, exploration and production in frontier areas of Texas and Louisiana have shown that the Austin Chalk has additional potential as a continuous-type deep-gas resource mostly to the east and downdip of existing oil plays.

Over a decade later, now leasing and drilling activity is picking up in certain parishes of Central Louisiana following improved technologies.

Austin chalk runs from above New Orleans to Pointe Coupee, Avoyelles Rapides and Vernon Parishes

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I hear from neighbors the well is just south of the Avoyelles-St. Landry Parish lines.

Abington,  I have some land about .5 miles south of the Avoyelles-St.Landry parish line. Someone contacted me about leasing my land but I could not hear the call back # or the company they were repersenting. Any info you could pass on to me would be greatly appreciated.



They will be back in touch. If not that person someone else. Just hang in there and be patient.

I would love to know what they are offering as far as bonus and royalty if you would share that with us when they do get in touch. Any help along those lines would be greatly appreciated.


New Anadarko AUS C Unit in Avoyelles and St. Landry parishes.

Parish AVOYELLES- permitted in Austin Chalk april 12


Operator Well Serial Well Name Well Permit Date SCT TWN RNG MRN Total Depth Report Date API Num Number Scout Detail Status Number Scout Detail


04/12/2011 17009206360000 01 ETAL 13H PERMITTED-INITIAL REPORT

04/12/2011 013 02S 05E W 20146

199.7’ FSL & 404’ FEL OF SEC 13. PBHL: N 0 D 20’ 51" W – 4766’ FROM SURF LOC IN SEC 13.




I own minerals in S6 T2S, R3E, and just received an offer to lease of $225 per acre and 25% royalty, with a max depth clause of 11,500. I rejected it due to lease addendum terms or rather lack there of. The start price last December, was $100 and 1/5th.  Just sharing info about current activity in Avoyelles.



Would you happen to have any well logs for some Eagle Ford wells?




Sorry Jay for such a broad question. I'm really not familiar with this trend but a buddy of mine is the head landman for a company out of PA. They have a bunch of leasehold and a few producing wells in the Utica shale. He has heard the Utica and Eagleford are fairly similar in nature. He asked if I could obtain some well logs in a good producing area. But I'm not familar with the area and as you have described it is a big trend. Would you happen to have some logs of some good wells in that area wherever it maybe located so my buddy can compare logs from those to his Utica logs. 

You are the man. It is greatly appreciated. 

Thank you sir.


Thanks Jay

Should have known you would know where the Chalk begins.


a month ago we had a lot of interest in leasing in SW Rapides parish particularly around Forest Hill Hwy 112 & US165 area some leasing done but not much interest now, anyone know whats happened? Thanks Charles



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