Has anybody recieved any leasing offers in Township 11 North Range 11 West Desoto Parish recently?  I have been approached to lease and would like to know if anybody knows what the going rate is.  Thanks

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a, I suggest that you post your question in the DeSoto Parish Group, here's a link:


when you do so the members of that group will get an email alerting them to a new discussion post and they will see your question.  I would further suggest that you include your section.  If your section is under a unit order and you are one of the last to lease, you have a better negotiating position.  Bonus offers are always better where companies are ready to drill.  There really is no such thing as "the going rate".  Lease offers depend on specifics and those specifics vary from one section to the next.  Sometimes literally to one or more adjoining sections.

Just a quick question…I have read posts that include the term “negotiate”. Is this market dynamic present in all the state except for NE Louisiana (Union Parish)?


I have been approached with a lease (that I have not signed for numerous reasons) and the term “negotiate” was a non-entity in any and all dialogue.


I’ve considered that possibly I just have bad Karma.


Just wondering.

All lease agreements are negotiable to some extent.  It helps to know what other lessors in the same vicinity have received but that is just a start.  When I think of negotiating a lease my first priority is lease language.  Most landowners' priority is dollars.  Depending on the circumstance that can be short sighted and detrimental in the long term.  I usually decline to negotiate bonus until after an agreement has been reached on lease terms.  Yours is an impossible question to answer because it lacks details.

In which section(s) do you own property?

I've received an offer in section 14.

I'd rather not give the section but it is in the the middle half. The offer was for $2000/acre.

Thanks all,


I have land in 34 T22N R1W and 03 T21N R1W.


A few of my concerns dealt with the actual terms of the lease in that they want a 4 year primary with a 3 year option (their option).


They couldn’t tell me the depth or formation of interest.


A 20% royalty.


There is a bonus involved but my primary concerns were the above.


Thanks for your responses!

Have you done a search of drilling activity in your townships?  I'd also suggest a trip to the courthouse to review leases filed in the last 12 months.
Ask for 6


I sent you a friend request.  Would you please accept it, so I can email you?  Thanks.

My lease in sec 36 just expired with petrohawk with no option. Told they would not release unless they were operator of section. I am waiting for offers.40 acres and already a designated haynesville section. Good wells and shell all over south side in sabine parish


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