Just found this permit application for Lacour 43.


 PUBLIC NOTICE - - - In accordance with the laws of the State of Louisiana and the particular reference to the provisions of LA R. S. 30:4, and the provisions of Statewide Order No. 29-B as amended and adopted by the Office of Conservation of the State of Louisiana Anadarko E&P Company LP P. O. Box 1330 Houston, Texas 77251 832-636-3315 is applying to the Injection and Mining Division of the Office of Conservation for a permit to dispose of producing fluids generated from oil and gas production by means of an injection well, which is identified as Lacour 43 SWD Well No. 1, Serial Number (NA), with the injection interval at an approximate depth of 3365 ft. to 4395 ft. The well location is Section 43, Township 3S, Range 8E, Lacour Field, Pointe Coupee Parish, Louisiana. All interested parties are hereby given an opportunity to submit written comments no later than fifteen (15) days from the date of this publication. Identify the well when corresponding. Direct comments to: Office of Conservation Injection & Mining Division P. O. Box 94275 Baton Rouge, LA 70804-9275 Re: Comments for SWD Application 4513457-aug 9-1t - PUBLIC NOTICES/CONSERVATION


Views: 11726

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Once the rig moves out, the completion process should be completed in about a week period. The drilling rig (in this case) equipped the well with tubing, packer and wellhead so the completion process can begin immediately without the use of a completion rig. They should be testing the well at this point.
Thanks much for the speedy reply bulldog.  This is my first rodeo so trying to figure out what it all means.  I appreciate your response.
How long does the testing phase usually last? And then at what point after that do we learn whether the well is successful or not (I guess success can be defined in different ways).

Every operator has their own opinions on how long to test a well. I would think they would keep well testers on the well at least a week to make sure any debris from the wellbore is cleaned up before turning the well into their permanent production equipment. The test period also allows the well to stabilize after whatever stimulation treatment was pumped during the completion.


I believe an operator has 90 days to report their test results to the state. Maybe someone else can help you with that.


Pryme is stating they plan to test into the permanent facility and sell both the oil and the gas. They plan to continue production after the test.

They have halted trading on their stock until they report the test results. I think we will have a report very soon. Not 90 days.

I think bulldog is simply stating that the operator has 90 days to report their production results to the state. They could report it earlier if they so wished.

DRLD TO 14,123' IN 18 DAYS.

09/26/2011 05 15060 DRLD T/ 15060'; RAN 7-5/8" CSG T/ 15060' & CMT W/ 1275 SXS;


Does anyone know if they plan to core the Chalk interval in this well?


I don't think they are going to core the AC. What they are looking for is natural fractures and they will drill the lateral to find them. Unless they change their method of operation they will not frack it. Devon cored the TMS to get an idea of what type of formation they were going to frack. The chalk is totally different than the shale formations.

They took core samples in the Dominique well. Could have just been side wall though. There just isn't anything like a full rotary core for standard and special core analyses.


Dominique Scout Info:

07/18/2011 05 16064 TAKING CORE SAMPLES; TSTD BOPS 7/12/11;


10/03/2011 05 16320 DRLD; LOGGED; TSTD BOPS 9/22/11;
Anymore Lacour 43 updates?


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