AIX has within the last few months permitted 9 vertical wells in Township 23N Range 7W (East Haynesville Field) of Claiborne Parish, 8 of which were permitted or drilled to a depth sufficient to test the Brown Dense (see the "LSBD wells as of 2-3-2012" discussion in this group.)

Completion results have been reported at SONRIS Lite for 3 of these wells and perforation data reported for a 4th. Interestingly, each of these 4 wells seems to have been completed or perforated in a different formation or zone. The Hardin #1 was completed at 10430'-10520' in the Upper Smackover A zone; the Hardin #2 was completed at 10132'-10247' in the Haynesville sand; the Garrett L&T was completed at 11442'-11475' in the Lower Smackover; and the Camp et al. #1 has been perforated at 10876'-10940', which looks like the Upper Smackover C zone.

It must be nice for the operator to have so many zones from which to choose!

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AIX is a new entity that has taken over the Live Oak Energy wells.  I doubt these are new leases.  This is a long time Live Oak production area much of which should be HBP.  They probably have a drilling commitment clause (they are required to drill a certain number of wells in a certain time frame) and a vertical Pugh Clause (their lease rights end 100' below the deepest depth drilled or produced).  However it doesn't take this many wells to test the LSBD.  One or two would have been more than sufficient.  Something else is driving their drilling program.

First off I'm a "know next to nothing RIO" but have  seen the "crayon sketch" (could it be called "plat") of LSBD dipping much further south than 23w and listening to execs with Petro-Chem say that some of their wells in the uper T21n were "drilled thru the BD" (SONRIS says drilled to about 11,000+/-) but are SMK A RA gas w/oil producing  from about 10,500+/- . Ser#s: 238634, 242329, 240623 and 240852.  In the early stage of testing 240852 same P-C exec was kind enough to call and tell me that "right then results" tested at 400bopd and all of these GAS wells have sweet oil tho 240852 in less than 12mo has a shiny new stripper pump. So my hope is that some locals operators, individualy or jointly, can clear up whether the Crayon sketch is scratchin or a Plat if in fact SWN is not instrested south of 23w.   

bee, I am not familiar with the "crayon sketch" you mention.  SMK A RA is shallower than the L SMK.  I doubt seriously that there are many wells drilled through the Brown Dense  basement rock of the Smackover formation.  It was not productive with historic technology and it was costly to drill into much less through.  There were no known productive formations deeper.  Petro-Chem and other small operators with HBP acreage are pulling for the LSBD to prove economic as they will make a very nice payday with nothing out of pocket and little risk by assigning their deep rights to others.  SWN is drilling in the "oil window" which looks to be as far south as the  mid-22N townships running from far eastern Claiborne Parish east.  The LSBD may be productive for wet gas and dry gas further south but the economics dictate that the operators will look for oil first.  The only way to prove up the L SMK is to drill a horizontal well.  Local operators don't drill horizontal wells.  Some will drill vertical LSBD wells to gather science to use in attracting a operator capable of horizontal development. There is no oil produced in 240852, it's condensate.  The LA. Office of Conservation lists condensate under oil production.  And 50 degree API gravity condensate sells for a lot less than a barrel of sweet crude.

Skip thank you so much for your time and reply.  I didn't understand when the "drill thru"statement was made

if I had enought smarts to evualate but a few days looking at true pros discussion here on GHS is so helpful (& appreciated) was strongly suggesting a less that true statement or anouther of my blunders. the crayon sketch appeared on GHS bd group afew days ago. will try to past in address. But mostly thanks again...........bee


Looking at page 13, I see a permitted well "by others" on the extreme western edge of Claiborne Parish (green star). This looks to be west of the AIX wells and near Shongaloo in Webster Parish. I guess this could be the AIX MCA Resources #1 well in S9-T23N-R7W, but if so I think they're showing it too far west. SONRIS Lite is not showing any permitted wells in 23N-8W. Any ideas?


It might be XTO well S12 T23N R9W

2/23/12  #244496   Sanders  12,000 ft  XTO


I think the XTO well is in Webster Parish, so that's a little too far west, but it could be this is the well they mean and they are just showing it in Claiborne rather than Webster.

It doesn't match up with any of the wells on my spreadsheet, obed.  I doubt that it represents any of the AIX wells.  As you say it's too far west.  I'd agree that 23N - 8W is the township.  And there are no Status Code 03 wells in that township. 

S/N 244496 is Aubrey's well, Jon.  You can ask him about it but it's not a Lower Smackover permit.  It's a SMK RC permit.  The unit well there is around 11,400'. 

12,000' does not look to be of sufficient depth to be a L SMK well based on the only well control we have in this area which is the GARRETT L&T #1 completed in the L SMK at 12,317' in S36-23N-7W.  Keep in mind that operators regularly permit for deeper than they intend to drill as a matter of standard practice.

Skip, remember that the Garrett L&T #1 was perforated from 11442-11475 feet even though total depth was 12317 feet. The top of the Upper Smackover for the Garrett L&T #1 is shown to be 10540 feet:

The top of the Upper Smackover for a recent Haynesville completion about 14 miles due west of the XTO Sanders well, the A J Stiles Est 19 (S/N 243501),  is shown to be 10920 feet:

so I would think 12000 feet would at least penetrate the Lower Smackover in the XTO well.

Yes, I remember obed.  As we have discussed there are abrupt dips in the stratigraphic tops over relatively short distances.  Wait and see how deep the XTO well is actually drilled.  As this is an alternate unit well for an established unit you can find the target depth as defined in Order 104-C-4 for the North Shongaloo-Red Rock Field, Webster Parish.  Use SONRIS Classic, search for Field Orders and use Field Code 8246.



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