I thought the attached G-1 and G-5 would be interesting to some folks.  G-1 has the completion information - looks like acid fracs and therfore the target is the limestone formations.  


24 hour production is 479 bbl of 42.8 API gravity condensate or oil.  1179 bbls of water with that.  Note this is a vertical completion across multiple, thick zones.  


Maybe I need to get Joe Aldrige to look at this, but it looks more like what he describes as TMS rather than Eagle Ford Shale.  Any other thoughts?

Views: 83759


Replies to This Discussion

Thanks again for the update. Be safe for when you go "dark".

I leased part of our place to Trivium/Terrace in Leon Co. right on the Trinity River last year. The first Wakefield well has been completed and was told they have 25-30 wells to drill in the area for Terrace or what ever they call themself. I talked to a guy from Henderson Texas that prepares mineral tax for counties around East Texas and he said there will be tons of drill around here by next year. I just hope they are not plan on the Glen Rose formation for anything. The water flood that was done to it back in the 90's has about push most of the oil out of the area.


Any news if drilling rig is on the Jackson site yet. Might drive up from Houston  are and take a peek and see what is happening next week. We leased with Trivium/Terrace later part of March. Hopefully the wells they drill be profitable for all.


  Trivium "Jackson" is Almost done drilling and they are searching for H2O to do a frack soon --- "Brown" has a large x-mas tree ---------- WC "Worley" is trying to fill the frac pond also --- the water seems to evap. and soak into the dry soil so the water is not available for the frac yet even though the pumps are running wide open (2.5" stream) into the frac ponds.  Seems like they are learning to drill them faster and the wells must be good as lease rates have doubled in the last few weeks.  Several drilling pits have oil on them as well ---- and new staking going on also --- only a couple rigs drilling here right now as they are sharing them with Madison county operators.


Good to see you back, hope all is well for you.  No news on Pennington, to my knowledge, no drilling yet, but I could be wrong.  Some flares seen at RC Adams and on Eastham.  

Thanks dbob,

 All is not well but dwelling on it did not help ---- so I have learned to say that "the glass is still half full" instead of "the glass is half empty"   ------ I do not hear anything on Pennington either but bet JOSEPH will LET US KNOW 

Glad to see your back. Sorry to hear all is not well with you. You have been a blessing here and you are greatly appreciated. Thanks for the updates. Hopefully Houston County is getting some of the rain in the state. Our side of the Houston, Tx area has not been fortunate to receive any. Has stormed all around us. Can they put any type of liner in the frack ponds to keep the water in or would that be cost prohibitive,  Thanks again for your time.

 Trivium put a liner in the "Brown" pond but the WC ones were just clay bottom think maybe the problem is that they are huge 350' X350' and the water wells and pumps are small ---- I am scared that they will become impatient and put in a large irrigation pump and end up lowering the water table which would ruin private well pumps as they would burnout when they came out of the water.

Good to see you again, DH... blessings here as well.  If you do get any "extra" rain we could use a little of it over on the east side.  It's already too dry... again.  It stormed all around us for hours on Wed. but we only got maybe a tenth at my place.


 I am very selfish about rain in the summer time believe we did get about an inch ---- My message this AM is GO GET YOUR OWN RAIN ---  PRAY HARDER 

 Strangely enough trees that greened-up this spring and looked ok are dying already  even several that we were watering last year. The clean-up of dead trees is a large undertaking and is very expensive. 

 BTW -- Got word yesterday that the TransCanada KeyStone Pipeline has pipe stored and has begun construction in SE Tx.   ---- so much for ALL the political lip service on that issue ------ when the correct amount of campaign contributions were made the project got the green light.

Breaking News

 Truck Loads of Casing going into "Jackson"  ---- George Town and Woodbine reportedly good in this well  ----- This is significant as this well is pretty far North of the play and should open the door for more exploration to the North.   "Wakefield" reportedly being Fraced today 

Thanks for the "Breaking News" any ideas/guesses where Trivium will go next.  We in Katy north of I-10  got 1in of rain overnight. Weather guessers have said we would have rain again today so far nothing.  Getting closer to election time has away of "changing" peoples votes( I mean minds)


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