We own 100% of the royalties on our land. The well was drilled close to Williamson Way and Kingston Road about 2 years ago. When or will I ever see any royalties off this well?

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@Greedy Landowner (I feel guilty calling you that, by the way... LOL)... What does the certified letter have to say exactly? Just... "Hey Big Oil and Gas Co... We own the mineral interest on our property at "such and such" address." And then we get it notarized or something? Sorry... I'm new at this. Talk to me like I'm a 5 year-old. LOL
Dont feel guilty about my name! It is a joke from back when leasing was so big. Your letter doesnt have to be notarized. I am ASSUMING that your interests are in Louisiana. Just simply state something like they are the operator of well xxxxx located in section xx of tow nship xxx and range xxx. Identify yourself as owner of xxx acres of mineral interest and also state that your interests are unleased. Ask them to provide written quarterly reports regarding the costs associated with drilling, completing etc per the LA mineral code. Also ask them to pay you for your share of proceeds once the well hits payout.
Make sure that you send it certified mail. If their research shows you to be the owner you will at some point get a division order. Then every three months you will get the cost report until it pays out. After that the check comes monthly. Of course and always as a disclaimer....if there is any question you can seek the advice of a competent attorney well seasoned in the LA mineral code.

Also.....somewhere on this site there is a piece written by a member titled "umo basics". Search for it and read it. She provides a very good breakdown of the process in lay terms....good luck and let us know how it goes

I own my Minerals in sec.16 16N 14W, Well ID # 241331 . After several attemps to contact Chesapeake, no one returned my phone calls. I'd like to know if this well is active, not active, paid out, or not paid out. Does anyone know??? Thanks

LML, the Sandford 21-16-14H #1 has a surface location in Section 16 but is drilled into and producing from Section 21.  Only those mineral owners in Section 21 would be owed royalty from this well.

Your minerals would be produced by S/N 240069, Sandford 16-16-14H #1.


I have 50 acres in Sec. 12  T 21N R 14W next to the prison. do you know anybody leasing in that area? Thanks

Not there but 2 to 3 miles south is the northeastern edge of the lease block put together over the last year by Anadarko.  They are drilling their first well now in S26 - 20N -15W.  You can follow that play by joining the North Caddo Parish Group.

Thank you, Skip.


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