Cat equipment arrived yesterday in Pennington to start road for pad. 3.5 inches of rain last night halted this action. Hopeful for the end of the week. Still looking for drilling permit to be posted.

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six tanks is a very good sign

Most pumpjacks I've seen move like in slow motion. The one on the Revolver is like it's in fast forward!! Why is that? Anybody know...

Fastest I have seen is 7 strokes a min and was moving > 600 barrels of fluid a day but was hard on the pump rods and they broke one about every 2 months or so

Whatever happened with XTO's Abbey Road and Revolver?
Any news on Devon's Cook well?
Any activity on the Penny Lane site?
Thanks in advance.

Revolver: 3916 bbls recorded in April. We will get the numbers for May next week. Nothing on Abby Road yet.

Most Recently Reported Monthly Production (12 Months)
Mo/Yr Gas (MCF) Oil (BBL) Water
Avg Gas
Avg Oil
Avg Wtr
1/2013 0 0 660 0 0 0 0 --- --- 0.00 21.29 0.00
2/2013 1,621 0 701 656 0 0 0 --- --- 57.89 25.04 0.00
3/2013 1,953 0 1,355 494 0 0 0 --- --- 63.00 43.71 0.00
4/2013 3,788 0 3,916 1,998 0 0 0 --- --- 126.27 130.53 0.00
Totals 7,362 0 6,632 3,148 0 0 0 --- --- --- --- ---

'Snoopy' will go snoop'n next 3-4 days and report on the three (3) Pennington area XTO well sites, also Devon/Cook wellsite, south of Crockett Airport. I will provide air-shots by Monday, evening via Vernon.

Can anyone report a factual sighting of the OneOK Sterling III survey crew passage from Liberty towards Trinity County? A month ago, OneOK was scheduled to start final survey staking about 1st of June, following in 30 days by start of pipeline ROW clearing. OneOK planned for Trinity County Holly-Friday arear pipe-lining Liberty County 1st then same contractor moving into Trinity County.

OneOK spokeswoman was reported by the Crockett Courier about 2 months ago that a pipe storage yard was being set up in Crockett, TX, area. Has anyone seen it?

Thanks Jffree,

 I will take that volume of oil --- hope it lasts 

  Orlan ---- I can confirm that most of the pipe has been yarded for the OneOK --- it is coming into Crockett by rail in eighty foot joints and being hauled about ten miles west to Porter Springs to a pre-exisiting yard --- it is sixteen inch pipe and they plan on yarding one hundred and seventy-five miles at the location. Thanks for the aerial pictures


May Production from Revolver was:

Gas  1,160 mcf (flared)

Oil  Production  2,360 bbl

Oil on hand beginning 3,484 bbl

Oil on hand end of month 4,241 bbl

Oil disposition  1,596 bbl code 01

                                7 bbl code 08

Thanks Jffree,

  Not a barn burner but not a Dry Hole either --------- of course we have no way of knowing how many days it might have been shut-in for maintenance etc.

Devon's Louis Cook produced 918 barrels of oil/condensate in May.

I have not found a report for Abbey Road.

I am in southeastern Anderson County.  There are no signs of them on my place.  



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