I Read in the Paper about possible drilling soon in this section, If that is so a Boom is about to start again,Yepeeeeeee 

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August 14 State Mineral Auction - Tract 43445

TRACT 43445 - Bienville Parish, Louisiana

All of the mineral rights only under land adjudicated to and acquired by the State of Louisiana in and through a proper tax sale, and subsequently alienated by the State which retained the mineral rights thereto, and which is not under valid mineral lease from the State of Louisiana on August 14, 2013, situated in Bienville Parish, Louisiana, and being more fully described as follows: That part of the Northeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter (NE/4 NE/4) on which there is no timber, of SectionThree (3) Township Fifteen (15) North Range Seven (7) West in the North Western Land District, Parish of Bienville, being the same property adjudicated to the State of Louisiana in the name of B. H. Huckaby for nonpayment of 1931 taxes and sold to Currie Rowell, Patent No. 14775,containing 20 acres, all as more particularly outlined on a plat on file in the Office of Mineral Resources, Department of Natural Resources. All bearings, distances and coordinates are based on Louisiana Coordinate

This discussion is better suited for the Bienville Parish Group, link follows:


So all that jibberish you just typed means I guess they are not going to Drill

Not typed, cut-and-pasted from the tract description in the August state mineral auction.  It's a legal description of the tract.  It was nominated by Leslie M. Cooper.  The auction will be held the 14th.  The results will show all bidders (most likely one) and what they bid for a bonus and royalty.  The state auction is the only place in the public record where a lease bonus is revealed.  And in these days of lessees filing Memorandums of Lease, sometimes the royalty.

"Yipeee" is spelled with an "i".

The auction tract is located in Section 3 - 15N - 7W. And is likely related to the possible drilling you mention.


Can I go buy me a BMW are should I wait

Wait.  And remind me August 14 and I'll tell you the bid terms.

So how long you think it will be before they will drill there?

There is no well permit currently so no way to know.  If they get their state lease next month in Section 3 it will be good for only one year without paying to extend the term.  Operators don't like to pay for an extension.

Wait.  And consider a used Hyundai.  The price of gas still has a 3 handle.

LOL!  Hopefully bill's well will be oil.

Would anyone know who owns OGM Leases in 15N - R7W, Bienville Parish?


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