I live off Benton Road, North of I220 and just across the tracks toward the River levy. Residents along Rebouche Road have been known to sign leases for $5,000 per acre/.25%/3yr/2yr opt. This was last week. I was offered the same and I needed to "think about it." I am aware of signings off Airline Drive north of 220 for $11,000 per acre with a well site just south of "The Reserve" across from entrance to Lakewood. Are there any other offers in this area?

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lakewood needs to have someone or some group of people who know about mineral rights leasing represent us when negotiating our lease bonus and royalties instead of all of us negotiating individually. Lakewood's representative should get with rosedale neighborhood's representative, brownlee's representative, and greenacres place's representative to combine efforts. the more people/acres we have the better it is for everyone involved.
Chuck of course your right, I think that was the main theme at the meeting last night and one lady who lives here and has been in the oil business and lease negotiations volunteered to represent us with no charge. I hope over the next few weeks we'll see North Bossier join forces.
If the areas you are talking about joining forces are real close to each other, yes. But if you are talking about combining acreage from say Brownlee with land owners in Plain Dealing, the owners in Brownlee will get the short end of the stick as the land up in plain dealing will probably only get a $1000 lease MAX.
Where did you get this information about the Plain Dealing area.
Lease amounts are public information on state government databases. Most of the amounts I have seen or heard of for areas north of Benton are in the $250-400 per acre range.

I am currently in a group of mainly Brownlee homeowners headed up by Bill Alley. We are still looking for new members and would welcome all individuals and groups from the other north Bossier subdivisions. At present we are about 300 strong and are also a part of a South Bossier Coalition. We have been meeting at the Bansuk Korean Church at the west end of Brownlee Road for the past two Thursdays at 6:30 P.M. This weeks meeting place could possibly change however. I will post those details here once I hear for sure. Thanks---doughboy
Hi Doughboy, I live in Old Green Acres and there is a small group of us that have been looking for a group to join, would we be eligible to join your group? 300 strong is a good number so you should be able to negotiate a good amount. Let me us know about future meetings and I will talk to my neighbors about your group. What kind of fees are there to join your group? It would be well worth it to pay from the bonus but other than that I will have to talk to my neighbors. There is a letter circulating today from some people on Douglas that are trying to get the signatures for Twin Cities but I fear it will be another Dogwood deal, just get alot of signatures for Twin Cities and get less that $10,000/acre.
Hold on.......Green Acres neighbors will be meeting soon...within a couple of weeks. This meeting will be for us...not landmen. Don't sign with anyone.....please.
Is that Green Acres Place or Old Green Acres? You are not talking about the Twin Cities meeting are you? Let me know what meeting you are talking about so I can tell my neighbors.
I am in Old Green Acres. We will be announcing a meeting in the next couple of weeks. I will let you know when it will be. This meeting will not include Twin Cities or any other landmen.....that I know of.
Hi DiLa what do you think about the coalition that doughboy is talking about? Strength in numbers. Your mention of a meeting in Old Green Acres is the first I have heard for our area (other than Twin Cities) please keep me informed. I have neighbors that do not have computers (some elderly) so I have been passing information on to them.
I would like to see us join forces with Brownlee, Lakewood, and anyone else that wants to get this done. We have got to get organized before we talk to the landmen. We also need to know who is most qualified to negotiate for us. Then we will get down to the money. I think we are right on schedule. But I would like to see that bonus money before Christmas.
I plan to go to the Lakewood meeting at Airline Bapt. and see who is heading that up.
The person who will be contacting you lives on Douglas. He has about 20 pages of names in our neighborhood.


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