Whiting Permitted  #247223  L SMK RA SUA; Langford 4H 001 Horizontal well Sec 4 - 22N - 7W  Claiborne Parish  Vertical Depth 11,581'  MD 18,153'  11/7/2013

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Skip, the Whiting 4H news embargo continues from SONRIS. Thanks for any update you could give us!

LOL!  It's not an embargo but I understand those that feel that way.  Operators have little interest in timely reporting of drilling and completion ops.  And the state doesn't hold their feet to the fire. 

L SMK RA SUA;LANGFORD 4H - 15 days drilling ahead @ 8694', 1/24/14.

Thanks a lot. That sounds like pretty fast progress.

Exploration wells usually get a pilot hole.  WLL may not need one here as they have the wellbore and science from the AIX Langford #1.  They can also use it for microseismic monitoring when it comes time for completion ops.  It could turn out to be a wise investment.  When the SONRIS Well Scout gets updated we'll get a look at their casing program. 


Could they also be using the wellbore and science from the AIX Collier Heirs well #244333       (33-23N-7W) for the end of the Horizontal? And also use it for the microseismic monitoring for the end of the horizontal leg.

Jon, yes, if they decided to go horizontal and if the lateral goes north.  I haven't looked at the well plat and it's possible that both wells could be used for microseismic in a vertical completion.  I mention the Langford #1 specifically because WLL bought that well from AIX.

1/30/14  Report on Whiting Langford Horizontal well #247223.


That's par for the course.  Spud reported on SONRIS 20 days after the fact.

I see that the SONRIS report of 1/30/2014 shows a measured depth of 95820 feet. Maybe they mean 9582 feet.

L SMK RA SUA;LANGFORD 4H - 22 days drilling ahead @ 10993', 1/31/14.

Thanks for the info. Unless they are planning to drill a pilot hole first, they must be already starting or about to start their lateral turn. The projected true vertical depth was given as 11581 feet, and the penetration point into the Brown Dense was projected to be 350 feet north of the surface location.

Skip, is your Rig Report showing any progress on the Langford 4 H? You are our only source of information for this well. Thanks.


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