Anyone know the current % & price being paid for a lease in Sabine Parish ?  I know people who have received phone calls lately ( 1 call this week and 1 a few months ago) inquiring about land in 8N-12W.  I need to be current on the latest info in case I get a call too.

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What Section?

13, 14 & 15 are the only ones I know of.

Attached are the drilling permits for 2015 and 2016.

Not exactly a hotbed of activity.

Current players include.


Attached is this years production.

No big deal, Ferris wheel.

CHK is king with around 2B, which means they won't be paying out on those deep wells anytime soon.

It's a rogues gallery of Operators.

Several of them in the Bankruptcy Hit Parade.

Geosouthern is even there, freshly styled for the next victim.


Paul, no offense intended but historic production and current operators have little relevance regarding "current lease offers".

James, when asking location specific questions it is best to post to a local group.  In your case, Sabine Parish.  The advantage of this is that all the members of Sabine Parish would receive an email alerting them to your new group discussion.  That does not happen when you post on the Main Page.  The members you need to reach may not visit the site before your discussion drops far down the Main Page or rotates off.  I'll post a link to the Sabine Parish Group below.  The other suggestion I have for those attempting to track down details of recent leasing is to visit the Sabine Parish Clerk of Court office and search for leases or memorandums recorded in the public record.  If you would like to do that I'll tell you how.

Paul, no offense intended but historic production and current operators have little relevance regarding "current lease offers".


Tell me again your evidence for that assertion.

Skip Peel

It was my intention to post on the Sabine Parish Group and I thought that's what I did.   That's where I started-off looking around. Don't know  what happened, I must have strayed off of it before I posted the question.  Appreciate the heads-up.   I'll probably just wait and see if they call again and see what they offer.  Seems like the last time I heard something, it was approx. $300-$500 per acre and 3/16 but the way my memory has been working lately I may have dreamed that(ha). Thanks for the reply

Vine bought Shell's Haynesville with Blackstone money.

GeoSouthern is Blackstone money too.

It's the same dragon, with several heads, masquerading per alphabet soup names.

You would think ENCAP, Blackstone, et al would get some anti-trust scrutiny.

It's just a few lenders, per stooges, who own all the Shalers

There is no real competition.



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Posted by Keith Mauck (Site Publisher) on November 20, 2024 at 12:40

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