Clay 22&27&34 - 13 - 12 1HC sudden drop - Nothing on Sonris


  This well had been producing a quite large volume for about a year.  There had been a steady decline, however there was an 80% drop in production from December to January.  Is this common for a well is this just a temporary thing?  Is there any way of knowing?  I can't find any production numbers for this well on Sonris.  It just feels like the rug has been taken from under my feet - prices are starting to really go up and NOW the production level gets cut?!?

  Any info would be helpful.


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SONRIS entries are lagging far behind.  This well, HA RA SUL/Clay 22&27734 1-Alt, has no reported monthly production on SONRIS at this time.  That is the case with many wells.  Over 100 going back to 2023 the last time I looked.  For a well of that age a 80% drop would be unusual except for one particular situation.  When nearby new wells are being fracked, producing wells are often shut in while the completion operations are being conducted.  That could explain this decrease in production.  Obviously you are seeing monthly production volumes, likely on EnergyLink/Enverus but that is private information unavailable to anyone else in order to review and provide an informed opinion.

Look at §35 & 26 13N-12W, 3 CULs facking the entire month of January.

Thanks for the replies.  One of the things that is upsetting is that this all happened in January, it is done, but I don't know anything about it until late March.  What happened in February has already happened, but I have no way of knowing what happened until late April.  I guess I could get philosophically fatalistic about it "Que sera, sera"  ...will I be the only one that now has that song stuck on a loop?

Thanks again.

One of the focuses of is to teach the basics of managing minerals assets.  Mineral lessors and unleased mineral owners can not depend on their operator(s) or the state to assist in tracking drilling and production.  The industry works to keep mineral owners in the dark as much as possible.  Mineral owners can go with the flow and sing "Que sera, sera" or they can learn how to do simply database searches, ask questions and learn how wells are managed/operated.  Since natural gas production is reported, and hopefully paid, two months after the production month, the only way to have more timely information is to use SONRIS.  The database is the gold standard of state O&G databases and I have taught hundreds of mineral owners how to do the simply searches and the ends and outs of following well production.

You are the best!

Thanks, w.r.  I am far from perfect but I try.  Monday, I had a zoom interview with a researcher for the Center for Science, Technology, and Environmental Policy at the University of Minnesota’s Humphrey School of Public Affairs.  One of the questions was how do mineral owners navigate a complicated and arcane asset such as mineral ownership.  Somewhat surprising since Minnesota is not a petrostate.  Other subjects of interest for the interviewer was how Haynesville Shale mineral owners view and deal with the industry.



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