Where can I go to see a map of the section, range and township lines for Sabine Parish. I have land near kites landing.

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If you are in that area you are probably in Township 4N. Used to be able to get maps at the Police Jury Office. Maybe tax assessors office or Clerks Office (If you can get in the Clerks Office) I heard there was some pushing and shoving there the other day. So many landmen looking up OUR records of ownership. How close are you to the new Donner well site? That location is prepped and waiting for a rig. (not Haynesville Shale, but could be very interesting to watch.
I am located in Townshi[p 5N but less than 3 miles from Donner well site. If not the Hainesville Shale then what is it called?
Haynesville Shale drilling deeper then horizontal. This well going to 7000 then horizontal. Others have said probably James Lime formation.
By now you may already know, but the target for this well is the Austin Chalk. May be the target for many more wells in south Sabine before it's all said and done. Check out what's happening in Vernon and in Newton County, TX. Stay informed.
I understand that the old Globe Map Company is now out of business. I found this on the net. I sent an email several months ago and never got a reply. You might want to call.

If you are interested in the maps listed below, please contact us.

Phone 318.424.6369 Fax 318.424.6309

Email: globemap@mindspring.com

206 Milam Street Shreveport, LA. 71101
good to see you on the site mr shuford. maybey you can shed some true light to what is going on in the p.h and north sabine area. have you heard anything on the tmr well drilled in belmont? i think c callens was the d.d. on the job.
No I haven't talked to anyone. The T.M.R. President is a real good friend of mine but I've been doing other things.
mr shuford i hear that some of the co's are ordering new rigs to add to the play how long will it take to build a rig and who builds them?it seems that the leasing area keeps getting larger. most of the leases are for three years with two year option at the orginal bonus money.i dont see how many of the sections can be drilled as slow as things are moving.
I am not sure how long it will take to drill whatever wells are planned. There are a lot of factors involved. First off, rigs are in short supply. I hear of some folks building rigs. There are other factors that are involved. I am told that drill pipe, casing and other items are in short supply. One guy told me that his pipe supplier only promised him 100,000 feet of casing for the rest of 2008. That won't case many 13,000 foot wells. If one assumes that it seems to be taking 2 1/2 months to move in and drill a Haynesville Well then for Shell to drill up the ???? 15 sections around P. Hill, someone better get moving. I'd predict that a lot of us that leased for $100.00 per acre will get another shot. Most folks don't realize that this is a long term operations. It isn't going to be done as fast as one wants. The thing is, the gas is still there. The only ones that may be affected are us old geazers that would like to have the money in our life time. We aren't all going to to see it. Me, I have peace of mind so it don't bother me much either way.
mr. shuford, what is the age range of an old geazer ? I would like to know if i qualify.....
Trust me, when you get there, you will know.
We have just returned from the Courthouse in Many where we purchased a map with section, range and township lines for Sabine Parish from the office of Police Jury. It is on two large sheets and the total charge was $2.00.


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