How much does the ArklaTex stand to lose in taxes if Obama wins?

My guess is if income tax rates are increased to the amount stated under his plan, that billions more in taxes on royalties and lease bonuses in the ArkLaTex will be sent to the government. Even a 10 acre landowner who gets a nice leasing bonus is gonna get nailed for being one of the "evil" rich people making more than 250k per year in household income.

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I do not recall Jesus healing everyone that he came upon even though it most certainly was within his power to do so...he allowed them to act upon their faith and solve their own problems. Hell for that matter God had his son crucified to fulfill the mission of having others follow Christ and the Trinity and all that jazz. BTW did not Jesus tell the woman to continue pouring perfume on his feet as the poor will always be with us. God's glory is faith in Christ..
But then he did not say to be indifferent to the poor, the halt and lame.
Show me one place in the bible where a rich person who does not give up his wealth cannot inherit the kingdom of God.
Seemingly, you are missing the target (this will be over your head but you are sinning..look up the word before you attack me) Give, give, give all you want..that is voluntary but using force to impose a duty on someone else is wrong. Responsibility does have a purpose.

This sure is fun while we await new info on all our goals of becoming obscenely
"Give to Caesar what is Caesars, give to G_d what is G_ds". This conversation took place to shed light on the issue of taxation and the Christian.
no it did not...the Rabbis were trying to have Jesus killed because they feared him as replacing them in power.. The rabbis tried to trick Jesus and asked him that question so that they could go to Pilate and tell him that Jesus was speaking treason against Rome..forcing Pilate to kill him and ending the threat. Jesus saw through their chirade and said "give to Ceasar what is Ceasar's"; he never said Christians should be taxed but he did out smart the Rabbis. Jesus's mssion wasn't about materialism and the division of was about faith to achieve saintly status as one with God.
KB, we're on the same team..believe me! My life is centered around Christ and our problems as Christians are far more complex than what we are encroaching upon here today. The Muslims, like ourselves, are uncontrovertable. The difference is that they preach hate and violence as a means to global domination...simply Christians, Jews, etc. cannot be tolerated. Obama's policies of diplomacy with Muslims will not work for that reason....they want other world religions, in the name of Allah eradicated. Now Obama is preaching that he is a "citizen of the world" can decide what that means.
I have no problem with your are entitled to your opinion...I donot approve of isolationism niether do I approve of appeasement in the hopes that peace will be a by just does not work. God gives us the power of discernment to protect ourselves from those wishing us harm. BTW, I did not turn this into a religious forum...some others chose a direct attack to support their views. I have no problem with Islam so long as they do not wish my dimise....hence the koran.
Kb, I appreciate your viewpoint, but give me one position that Obama has that supports capitalism and the incentive of the oil companies to even want to consider our land for exploration and drilling. Tax these companies the Obama way and I can assure you we all will pack up and go home..hell, the government may take our land through eminent domain.

Obama's plan to increase capital gains tax merely because it is the"fair thing to do" is not supporting capitalism, especially knowing that when Bush decrease capital gains tax from 20% to 15% it actually generated more revenue and jobs.

on domestic one is saying that this will solve our oil crisis but it is a interim solution while embark on new forms of energy. KB, you go to the doctor for an illness and he says well there is a cure in the works but it will not be available for 2 years...I could give you this treatment that will keep you alive until we receive the new cure..oh but wait we discontinued that treatment because it wouldn't give a final cure.

what a great idea..drain the mideast of its oil reserves by staying dependent on them and of course, if they want nuclear weapons..appease them...stay on our plan by draining them of their oil..meanwhile Ole Hugo and the Chinese are drilling 90 miles off our coast..great military plan..was your relative Jimmy carter..I heard he was a nuclear submarine captain before he weakened America until Ronnie saved us!
I believe in letting the states decide and in this state your a minority. Obama has no plan for energy besides the dems talking points. Do you think we are really going to be fossil fuel free in 15 years now who is really getting the wool pulled over there eyes.
KB, the only message I hear from Obama is to tax the windfall profits of those"evil oil companies." Translated that means taking away the profits of a publicly held company where the lay people have there retirements, dividend checks, etc. tied up. I belive Hugo Chavez (yes, the dictator) has changed venezuela from a democracy to a dictatorship and his first order of business was to nationalize the oil companies. Look further, the oil companies have given much more than realized not to mention that they pay somewhere in the neighborhood of 43% of all taxes in the US.

God gave Moses manna from heaven, now, ArkLaTex black gold...lets enjoy...and no the wildlife and prisitne beauty of our land will not be touched. Pat, you're right..let the sates decide I know Alaska supports more drilling.



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