I love what everyone on the site has to offer, but aren't there some folks that you just perk up and listen when they have something to say?

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Mr. Stewart - Wait ... by "people" I hope you don't think I'm in that group? If so, let me clarify, I'm sitting here on the "city fringe" and most certainly appreciate your POV re. the rural area. As I've stated somewhere here recently, I'm striving for a well (no pun intended) rounded perspective. I've read Kassi's posts with you since last summer, I have a friend who's deceased father signed a "lowball" offer down in Many. I'm not one to just sit in my fishbowl and presume we all need/want the same in this play.

I do appreciate that this play impacts a greater region, and population, including yourself. I may not be a native, but I CHOSE to make it my home these past 30+ years, I will breathe my last breath here & be buried here. It's where I call "home." Thus, I want & wish only the best for everyone involved, because we're all neighbors, even if it isn't what my choice will be ultimately.

Now, as for the a*** word, not my style, I'd rather find more explicit verbiage .. but if you believe I've said it behind the screen I am sincerely sorry that I gave you that impression. Matter of fact, I don't recall thinking that of anyone here ... doesn't help me understand POV.

And, if you weren't referring to me ... OOPS ... disregard and have a good evening. :0)
SP, I ain't reading the post like you are reading the post or am I not atempting to put words in Snakes mouth, he is master at that himself, I can see where you come from but it all boils down to the word "your". "Everytime they read one of 'Your' posts" , to me means that "your posts" means Snakes posts but that is just the way I read things.
Thanks, TD - that's why I printed the disclaimer OOPS, just in case I got it wrong. I honestly do read Mr. Stewart's posts to keep a balanced POV. I guess as he posts a lot on a variety of topics I can't help but run into him while I'm reading.

Your take on is is appreciated, though. Have a good evening - sesport :0)
Thats a real big OOOOOOOPPPPPPPSSSSSSS for you S.P. (LOL)

Because 2Dogs is from Pineville, we apparently share some form of psycho kenetic brainwave impulse somethin' or other that allows him to understand fully, whatever it is that I am trying to say. That may seem spooky to some of you but its not contagious.....I dont think anyway !
I hope that you can find a way to take that as a compliment 2Dogs 'cause that was the intent.:-)
And to think that I spend all that extra time putting them dog gone freakin smiley faces at the ends of my comments so peeps dont get the wrong idea.

I have been accused at times, of being facetious and somewhat sarcastic. I dont know who started those nasty rumors (MOM) but until we get to the bottom of it, I will continue to put smiley faces on stuff that some may read more into , then was intended.

I try not to spaz out as much now but as much as I used to rant and rave, the intent of my comments could be taken out of context. I understand that and have tried to be a little less quick to cast judgement on someone elses "worded intent."

But when you see something as important to you as this "site" is to most of us, its difficult to watch some of the things that are happening. You hit it right on top of the head GoshDarn, in your reply. Yet if you disagree with someone that has been deemed, or has chosen themselves, to be top tier , you risk being viewed as mean spirited or are doing a dis-service to the site by trying to keep others from learning from these individuals due to a fear of them being chased off.

Mr. &/or Mrs. O&G,
It has never been my intent to chase anyone off. Feeling mislead and backed into a corner can make a fella much more intense then need be. In the beginning of all this, hindsight wasnt available.Do I regret some of the things that I have said ? I sure do.I just call it like I see it. Always have. Do I see it wrong sometimes ? I am quite sure that I do. But I will never have to be ashamed or have to apologize for my intent. And we dont have to agree on it all, as a matter of fact, but if you cant back it up with fact or it appears that there may be some slight of hand.....You lose cred! Once you lose that, its mighty hard to get back. Most have been able to meet that challenge and I appreciate your willingness to put forth the effort to back up your views (while you certainly didnt have to) with the facts as you see them.

As KB eludes to from time to time,some of these heated discussions have set the tempo/groundwork for the exorbitant amount of factual information that is on this site, in pages past. Even tho it may have been gathered to try and prove someone else wrong. (LOL) It has helped to make this site what it is or was depending on how you currently view things.

Oddly enough, some of my closest friendships are with people that I have butted heads with on here. Not the ones that are so willing to take pokes atcha when you aint looking through their constant blatherings of the abuse they have suffered or when it could be construed as rude to respond, but the ones that were willing to take the extra steps that it took to give a hot head, like me, another chance.Strange how things work out some times. As for people that have been chased off.............Some of these cats have more then 9 lives.

You probably haven't butted heads with anyone more than me, but I have always RESPECTED your intent.

Plus considering I was already leased (and snookered) it didn't seem as important to me in the beginning. Heck I thought I was smart. It wasn't that I wanted everyone else in the same boat that I was in. It was just I had already accepted the boat I was in (for the most part). I didn't see any reason to cry of spilled milk.

I still think that this whole HS will be a blessing to our community beyond compare. But that doesn't mean that I think that O&G has the right to just bulldoze all those in their way. I still believe this can be a win - win situation for all involved.

And I'm thankful for the problems that come along the way, they have been the things that have blessed me the most.

If it would have been all easy, I wouldn't be here meeting such wonderful people that I have come to care so deeply for.

And Snake is surely one of the people that I sincerely call friend and completely trust. I have come to know him well and trust him completely. His group is lucky to have him at the helm. I'm glad we butted heads. I wouldn't have ever got to know him as well if we hadn't.
Well thank you Parker. Those are mighty nice words you sent my direction.I too am glad we butted heads 37 times.(snicker,snicker)
But I fear that Big "D" may be the only reason that you gave me all those extra chances.(LOL)

Whatever the reason, I am glad that our paths have crossed.
There are now, many people on this site that I would step in front of the proverbial bus for. And If I were driving the bus, I wouldnt run over anybody either, I dont think. Probably wouldnt let a few get on the bus but thats better then the alternative isnt it ?
That sure is progress. May not sound like much to ya'll but its huge for me.
No Big "D" anymore.
GD, my purpose in coming on this site was a bit self centered, generally the same things that help the mineral owner, help the landman also. What good does it do to lease from the surface of the Earth to China, does that not hold the property HBP for as long as the well produces in Louisiana? Where will a landman get another days pay if these "Big Boys" lease everything without the clause that cuts everything above and below their formations off at the end of the primary term of the lease. This was my message, it could be a problem with some cos that may want to bend you over the fence and do like the pictures of the two brovines that was posted recently
"So, to me -- it's all about "intent." What's the poster's "intent." If the "intent" is to low-ball and spin and help the company that they work for get cheapo lease deals . . .

Well, that's life, huh? It is what it is.

But that's not heroic.

It's just very self-serving."

What a load. This thread should be titled "The Echo Chamber." Honesty is honesty. Fact is, there are people in life that just can't handle th truth.
I agree Mr. Murrell,

There are many that cant handle the truth. Almost as many as there are that cant tell the truth.

Savvy people use any information that they can obtain, to better inform themselves. Billions are at stake here. Its best to deal with people you are comfortable with and run from the ones that you arent , come deal signing time. Most wouldn't rather deal with a perfect stranger.They want to feel at ease with the decissions that they are making. It doesnt always work out like that but hey, theres too much at stake here for hurry!

Even if its a heated reply to a silly (in your mind) question on a post. It helps form the basis for that persons perceived character. A hot topic can bring out things that may not be obvious under normal circumstances. In your case, everything seems to be a hot topic. No need for trickery to find out your true feelings. Disdain, for those that dont see it your way, rolls off of the tongue so eloquently that Stevie Wonder could see your position.

Constantly pissin' off one of the sites matriarchs may put you in good with your fellow O&G buddies but it means squat around here to regular folks. And the last time I checked, its mostly regular folks that are the ones that still have minerals for lease.

I would like to agree with some of your political views openly, if only you would leave room somewhere for that to happen. You seem to be an angry person most of the time. For that I am truly sorry. Sorry that you will never share the camaraderie that exists between many of the people on this site. Both sides I might add. Its still early. There may be hope yet. Because you only been here 3 weeks. Plenty can happen in a couple months time.

P.S. If you ever get tired of pickin on chicks, give me a shout. I'll be your huckleberry.
Mr. Stewart - Although I "hear" and appreciate your gallant intention ..."pickin on chicks???" Is that a hint of sexism you're revealing? lol I would put forth for your consideration that this site is all about brain vs. brain and not about testosterone vs. estrogen. Admittedly, if you follow the "Men Are From Mars, Women Are From Venus" line of thought, sometimes communications may get muddled.

I'm sure KB appreciates your effort & intent, don't know if she'd agree she can't handle her own business. :0)
I, along with my bro Earl, are Earthlings. Never read the book that you mentioned nor did I ever imply that she couldnt or doesnt handle her business. Fairly certain that she wouldnt take my remarks out of context. She knows me better then that. But since I didnt ask her permission first, you may be right and I will have to deal with the spanking that she gives me for speaking out of turn.:-)

My solitary point was fairly clear , to most, I am sure. Nobody should have to prove a years worth of work, other then by the information itself, on this site to somebody thats been here for 15 minutes. Nor should someone be allowed to go unchecked , calling people a-holes or whatever else nasty that they can spell out. I have been challended at ever point in my altercations with others. Thats fine and dandy. I can deal with that. But I will no longer sit back and let somebody get a free pass because of who they might have almost been . Fair is fair. Off to church, have a good one


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