Lest We Forget! Dem's Desire "Socialized" Energy Sector

Hmmm... wonder if royalty owners mineral rights would be absorbed via "Emminent Domain"?

Wonder if Maxine Waters will renew her desires once gasonline prices start rising?



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Jim, Playing the race cards there buddy?? That's a cheap, despicable, shot. BTW, liberals don't help black people; they are the ones responsible for the break-up of the black family a la LBJ’s Great Society.

Was it really your intention to define the words we use in our (conservative) arguments as racist?

All I can figure is that you are feeling out-numbered and cornered because that's about the only time you resort to that cheap BS. Probably would be a lot better just to take a break. That's what I have started trying to do when I'm reaklly would-up.
Jim, you live in a dream world. Drop a load of $100 bills from a helicopter in the poorest areas of Shreveport. Track that money. It would end up at the casinos or for drugs. Poor people don't trust banks. They do not use checks. Watch really poor people checking out at Walmart. I have NEVER seen one pay with a check. They always pay with a welfare card for food items and cash for non food items. . Start observing this. When GW sent out the stimulus money last summer, it did very little for the economy as it mainly went to the poor and lower middle income.
Susie, how do you know that they are poor people checking out at Wallmart? I learned a long time ago that you can't judge someones wealth by the way they look.
You said:"The U.S. has the highest poverty rate of any industrialized nation." You need to add: The US has the highest poverty rate of any industrialized nation for children WITHOUT SUBSIDIES. That is what the study says. Yet the US subsidizes anyone below the poverty line, so we do not really have the highest poverty rate.
Jim, something terrible must have happened to you in this country to make you hate your country so much. Have you ever considered just moving to one of those other industrialized nations that have less poverty than we have?
I thought the White House touted the wonderful effects of the stimulus checks last summer? Was that not true when they said that?
We helped my neighbor's handyman open his first checking account. He's in his mid-40s. We took him to a credit union so he wouldn't get eaten up with the fees. We convinced him not to buy a car as we showed him how much it costs to own one. Were he to be able to grab a few of those $100, I can guarantee you they wouldn't end up in circulation through drugs and casinos. But, they would be spent, thus, the acceleration of that money through the system would indeed boost the economy. Why do you think we were told to go shopping after 9/11? It wasn't to make us "feel good." Spending circulates $$; the more it circulates; the greater the acceleration and the better the economy for everyone. Problem with the trickle down theory is it's just that: it's a trickle. The flood remains at the top; damned up by greed, frankly.
We've been on the trickle down kick forever. Since you are still shocked by what you see at Walmart, does that not prove trickle down doesn't work? Or, how about look at your own bills: what you pay now for the same is a lot more than before and your paycheck hasn't increased correlatively speaking. Just time for a different approach; that's all.
Actually, I did make over 250k in 2008 with Haynesville leasing and my salary. H*ll, I know chicken farmers that made over 250k last year so who's counting.

My background is that I went to the military, got a degree and have worked my way up the ladder of success and am not finished climbing and won't stop climbing no matter how much money I make.

If I should get to where I make over 250k on a regular basis, what gives the government the right to take the money that I make and give it to someone else in the form of job training and such?

Unfortunately, my dreams of making over 250/year seem to be fading with every rig that gets stacked, every roughneck that gets laid off and every tax that Obama plans to put on the oil and gas industry.

Personally, I think fire fighters, police and teachers are underpaid and deserve so much more. It is a shame that our military members get squat for pay and benefits and the familys of our fallen Heroes get so little while giving so much.

Speaking of benefits, I'm sure you've heard that our Dear Leader considered making our wounded Heroes pay for the injuries they receive while surving our nation? For even considering it he should be made to resign.

You say the average household income is 50,000. I'm sure you know what average means? It means that there are people out there that make less than 50k. So to a person who makes 25k, the 50k earner is rich because he makes twice that of the 25k earner. Does this give the government the right to take some from the 50k earner? I think not.

The real question is, if you steal from 250k + earners now, what yearly salary is next? 200k? 150k? 75k? 50k? It's a slippery slope when you start taking from one to give to another because there is always someone out there who is worse off than you and "needs a helping hand".

To quote Margaret Thatcher, "The Trouble With Socialism Is That You Eventually Run Out Of Other People's Money".
Uncle Sam and me.
Nope sorry. Opportunities are there for people to get training and college without raising my taxes. Helping hands are there for people who need them without raising my taxes.

As a previous poster said, it's about choices. I've had people that I was in the guard with who said they didn't have the opportunities that I had, my response, BS. They had the same GI Bill that I had. They chose not to use it and it wasn't because they had families and couldn't use it. They couldn't stand going through 4 years of college with no money in their pockets.

I had a cousin with two small kids. They were living on welfare and was bouncing from house to house in a bad neighborhood. My parents decided to help her out because of the kids. They not only got her in government sponsored housing, mom found her a job. Within a month or two she lost the house because she kept hanging out with other free loaders. She also lost the job because she never showed up for the job. The employer was reputable and willing to be flexible because of her kids and her situation. She and the kids are back to bouncing around from house to house and on welfare.

I know another guy who has never supported himself. For 50-55 years he has either lived off his mother or the government. As I remember it, he was depressed when his mother died because he was losing her check.

I know another family that was DIRT POOR. You know the people that Jeff Foxworthy and other comedians make fun of? I don't think I can remember a time when they asked for a hand out. All children have managed to find a job. I have never heard of any of them complain about opportunities they didn't have because of the situation. Now, because of the land they own, they are pretty much set for life if Obama would keep out of their pockets. Is it right, to take from them to give to the other people previously mentioned? NO?

I'm glad you want to help other people. It is my experience, most people are in the situation they are in because of poor choices. There are programs, organizations or people that could help them but they decide they would rather work the system. Is Obama still considering taking away the tax deduction for charitable contributions?

I personally don't look at being on the taxpayer dime as I went through college. I served my country and was willing to go anywhere Mr Clinton wanted to send me.

As for taxpayers paying my benefits, most in Obama's cabinet haven't paid taxes so I guess I don't have them to thank for the benefits I received.

As Hannity says, Democrats don't mind raising taxes because they don't pay them.

In conclusion,my mom and dad wanted me to have a better life than they had. I to want my kids to have a better life than I have. Like my parents, I am teaching my kids to be responsible and make good decisions and not be dependent on others. Should they have the opportunity to make 1 million/year, they should not be penalized for success.

Please explain why you insist on ignoring the fact the Obama's FY2010 budget will increase taxes on EVERBODY.

Cap and Trade will increase utility costs.

Higher corporate taxes will increase cost of goods and services.

Disallowing favorable tax treatment for oil and gas exploration will increase costs of energy because that will kill domestic exploration.

You and your ilk can get away with that tax the rich class envy bull sh*t around the 35% of the Democrat Party base that have drank the Kool Aide but you are wasting your breath trying to use that leaky bull sh*t on those of us that use our brains.

As for the Luddite comment, anytime one of you liberal types comes with the condescension, I chalk that up as a victory. Your snarky arrogance says a lot about you.

Jay Murrell
W.R. Old Dog's taxes might indeed go up. We will probably lose housing interest deduction this year. That is a tax increase on middle America. If one smokes or drinks, "sin taxes" are increasing. So please don't think taxes will only go up on those making over $250000. That is Leftist propaganda.
Robert there always two sides to the coin, one wins and the other goes down the toilet. I for one don't think that Krow will let his side go down the S**t shoot without a fight.
Go get 'em Tiger! That Robert guy is a real piece of work.


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