What does this mean if anything??? Dry Hole Flange doesn't sound positive but what do I know? Any oil and gas experts with the terminology? Or is it too soon to tell from this report...

07/29/2008 09 12900 WAITING ON COMPLETION
07/09/2008 09 12900 SET 5" TO 12895'. PREPARE TO CEMENT

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I have been looking at the Murray and Olympia Wells on Sonris every day for a month. The one day I don't check on it they update the damn thing. Thanks for keeping us updated. I have no idea what a Dry Hole Flange is but it looks like phrasing to through us off. No way it was a dry hole. I have never heard of pipeline being laid to a dry hole.

Thanks for the update.
a few days before they finished it leases skyrocketed just south of murry so i doubt it was a dry hole!
I have looked at a lot of wells on Sonris, good and bad, I have never seen that entry on any of them. Even the holes that showed to be plugged and abandoned never had that wording. I think it is a tactic they are using to start a rumor of a bad hole. I know that Encana is watching the site so I am sure that Shell is as well. All the hands are probably sitting in the crew trailer having a beer and taking bets on how long it would take to hit the site. Oh well, have one for me dudes. Cheers.
The dry hole cap is just a temporary "lid" on the well until the frac tree is nippled up (nippled up is an oil field term that means assemble or bolt up). The frac tree is usually a fairly large assemby of valves and would be in the way of rigging down the drilling rig. In most instances the cased hole is secure and no danger of pressure release, so no psi containment is needed until the well is perforated. It is also usually a rented item that can cost anywhere from $300-$1500 per day, and if you look at a rig move that lasts 2 days and any lag time between the start of the completion, it is a easy place to shave a few thousand dollars off the AFE (Authority for Expenditure, or the budget) of the well.
You will also see or hear about the "dry hole cost" of a well. That simply means the cost to drill the well, without the cost of completion factored in. That term is used as kind of as an investment loss amount if you have no show of commercially producable quatities of hydrocarbons after drilling the well.
Sorry to ramble on, just like to educate were I can.
Thanks Jenni! We really rely on y'alls expertise and knowledge educating us laymen!
I just spoke with a tool pusher & he stated that a dry hole flange was used to cap the hole for the completion rig to come in and set up the valve tree?!? (Don't ask me that one) He stated that it does not mean that the hole was dry. If it was dry, then it would have been just capped, Not waiting on completion as stated on Sonris.
Thanks Tammy!!! Has the well been completed? I know many of us are anxious to see the quantity the well has been producing...funny that info. hasn't been reported YET! Especially since drilling ended the beginning of June!
I don't know if it has or not CBT, The pusher that I talked to is over in Texas... I don't know anyone on the Murray rig. I was just trying to find out what a dry hole flange was. Sorry I couldn't be of more help.
If they are waiting on the completion rig, then I would think that it hasn't been completed yet since that info was just posted.

God Bless, Tammy
Where is the Murray well located?
The Murray well is located in T 10N R 11W Section 31 just west of Pleasant Hill.
Yes, you would not set a string of 5" production casing to 12895' if it was thought to be a dry hole. The flange is simply to stopper the casing for obvious reasons, safety,etc.
Waiting on completion means they are waiting on a completion rig to come in and set tubing, perforate, etc. There is nothing here to indicate bad news.
You fellers are going to give yourselves the drizzles worrying about these dang wells.


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