Anybody got any news from this meeting yet??

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It just depends on where the land is. I would be curious to look at it in North Bossier Parish, but if it was my land, I doubt it. Somebody will eventually do it though and they will find what they are gonna find. They only pay you about 25 per acre, it's pretty neat stuff though.
Well I am not a Geologist but, whatever test exists out there that can deminish the leaseability (is this a word lol) of my property then I will not let them conduct them. But yes, I was referring to seismic originally.
Hmm not sure about the Haynesville Sand formation description (because I have not read those Orders), I would rather only limit them to whatever zone they are trying to target and not give them any room to interpret or send to litigation what was meant in the agreement.
You are probably correct in the assesment that they are looking into another play--I have heard rumors that another shale was discovered between the Bossier and Haynesville--it has been hard to frac. from what I have been told.

I DO NOT know the validity of this statement and as for now is "rumor" but I believe the operators that told me this.
My mother has mineral interest in land over the state line in Miller county just northwest of Ida. Do you know exactly where in southern Arkansas they are looking? If you do not mind telling how or where you heard the information. Please.
Well, I know the group that is going up there and whom they work for. It came from one of the guys that work for them..other than that I can't really say for sure which county because he did not share that with me nor would I expect him too.

Sorry C George.
If you find out anything will you please let us know?
It is CHK!
Thats good, now we just need to find out what county. Thanks
I'm sure it will be Miller, Lafayette, Nevada, etc....I think it would be in the 200/acre range until there is a well to warrant higher prices. What they are looking for is going to be hard to produce at higher prices.
I think Miller and Lafayette, but not 100% on that.



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