Anyone spotted this yet? Looks like they can make a section to drill on out of any 640 acres they want...Check out the Plat on Page 3 of this attached Public Hearing Announcement from SKLAR Exploration Company.

This is not to drill in the Haynsville Shale Zone though. It is drilling into the Rodessa Zone in the Cedar Grove Field.

Interesting....How much gas is out there and at what depths. Rodessa is not as deep as the HS from what I understand.

Question: If you lived in that section 23 or 26 and already signed a lease for Haynesville Shale, would you also get Royalties for this Rodessa Zone too on the same lease????

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Got it, thanks. By the location of the proposed well, it looks like they are trying to hold section 23 by production?????? HUH! If I'm not mistaken, that may affect homeowners in the Haven neighborhood.
I don't know the answer to that lease question. Maybe Randy (capital R) would know.
Yeah Im not sure what it means...I guess a landman will let us know. I know Randy is one. Anyways just sharing info....
Are we doing anything in section 24 (Riverbend)to get a good lease together? I think we need to decide what clauses we want in the lease. Ken has been working hard on getting us some good offers. I am not sure what it exactly means either.
I doubt any lease stuff will be looked into till a offer is accepted. It is up to the HOA Pres to accept or not, offer is in his name. If I am given the offer personally, Im signing for 20K.
Nice research. I had missed this one.

"Question: If you lived in that section 23 or 26 and already signed a lease for Haynesville Shale, would you also get Royalties for this Rodessa Zone too on the same lease????"

The point is mute because no one lives in the area being unitized. The southern half of 23 and northern half of 26 is what is being unitized as one unit. Pretty sly. To answer your question, I think the contracts that were offered to Section 23 had a standard Pugh clause that would set the depth boundary of the lease (someone please correct me if I am wrong). Therefore, an 11000' Haynesville well would give PetroHawk mineral rights from the surface to 11000'. Since the Rodessa zone falls in this, the property owner would get the royalty set out in the lease agreement. Again, I never attended law school, so if anyone has more info on this, please chime in.
Thanks SBossierGuy!

I've been keeping my eyes open for anything I find that is being drilled into the Cedar Grove Field.

I appreciate it.




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