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Hello, I am a new member of this site. I am also new to the oil and gas business as well and I have a lot of questions as to how to get a lease started on some property owned by my family. The property is located in the Shelby County area in East Texas. I look forward to learning as much as I can and meeting new people that can help me out on this deal. We actually had Chesapeake Energy come out and write a letter of intent to drill on the property but as of this past week, they backed out for what ever reason. They wrote the letter of intent back in September of 2008. My one question is now what are our options to getting this land leased and drilled on.
Hello all. I am from out of town so I make my way here to get updates. This site gives me more info that any place else on the web I have been. I would like to thank the Moderator for producing such an effective website for us all.
Hello Guys and Gals!!! I am so happy to be here, I enjoy meeting new people all over the world! Let's chat sometime!
Hello Debrorah,
Welcome to GHS don't be shy jump on in everybody does.
My mom has been approached by a company wanting to put a pipeline across her property. My siblings and I are very new at this and don't even know the questions we should be asking of the company. Thank goodness for this forum, it has helped me tremendously. How would I go about finding what the going rate per rod in East Texas is? Can anyone point me in the right direction? Any other helpful information would be appreciated

The location is in Nacogdoches County in the Waterman Travis Peak Field
hello all, i am in texas, but i inherited property in beinville parish, the old charlie moore place just outside ringgold, many yrs ago. just trying to stay informed of any new developments in the beinville area. thanks
I am newbie I live in Georgia I wondered if somone could help me on a well in Section 17 T15N R14W. It states it was started in November vertical well by XTOon 2/25 it states Perf11,806-11,600 Frac flowback, Shut In, waiting on orders.
Timothy, You might try starting a discussion in your county or parish group by asking your question there or starting a discussion on the main page giving the county or parish name.
Timothy. This is XTO's only well in the area. They are surrounded by Chesapeake and in an area with some outstanding Haynesville wells. They probably have not built a gathering system yet. They are just starting development in your section. The well profile reveals that the casing of the well would allow XTO to recomplete it at a later date as a horizontal. I suspect that this is a test well with a design allowing for later horizontal completion. Don't be surprised if XTO doesn't move full speed ahead. Though they are a very capable company, this is their first Haynesville well in this part of the play. They will build the pipeline connection before they recomplete this well or drill another as a horizontal in this section. And they will keep their cards close to the vest. They should make some outstanding HA wells in your section. Good Luck.
Skip, would this well happen to be in Desoto and/or Sabine Parish? XTO paid off some large leases last week that were made in Aug. 08 fand they were in these parishes. Looks like they are going to do some serious drilling.
Sandstone. This is in far north DeSoto. In a section unitized by Chesapeake. The XTO Haynesville drilling & production units are in the Bethany-Longstreet Field, Sections 30,32 of 13N - 14W and Sections 25,26 of 13N - 15W just to the south and in northern central DeSoto Parish. Could you be more clear in regard to "XTO paid off some large leases ....."?


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Posted by Keith Mauck (Site Publisher) on November 20, 2024 at 12:40

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