If you get drilled or leased in San Augustine in 2009 post it here. Give all the details you can...... This might give everyone in SA an idea when things start picking back up.

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The St. Mary drilling permit shows T Quirk, abstract 35. Is this a typo error?
I see E. Quirk on the survey map but not T Quirk. E Quirk is to the immediate west of the Grant survey. Is the E Quick, instead of T Quirk, where the St Mary well is located?
The permit is for 640 acres.
Must be a typo on one end. The land we have is listed as E Quirk but is still A-35. Big survey but the St Mary drilling permit is about 2 miles ne of ours. I hope it is a very educational and productive vertical Haynesville well. It would be good for all of us.
I have had a couple of offers of 500.00 an acre in the Quirk Survey from Eagle Oil and Gas, I hold around 120 acres. I have declined these offers, hoping they will improve over time. I was offered 20% on the royalty. I believe that most of the acerage around me has been leased. I am in no hurry, I have had many offers from the Seismic companies, but have not taken them up. Eagle Oil and Gas continues to call, but with no better offer.
smithsee, Is Eagle the only company that has offered recently? I am just curious if there is any competition to drive the price up? If they have seperated into the areas they want then offers will likely stay low it seems at least 'til the price of gas comes back and more units are being formed to drill. Thoughts?
We had some interest from Saint Mary's in January 09, but they claimed to be out of funds and may contact us later with an offer, although nothing more has been received from them. EOG continues to contact us, but with no better offer than 500.00 per acre and when we express no interest in the offer they ask what we will take per acre. We gave them a number, and are waiting to hear, though they claim they cannot consider this amount.
We will see what they will consider.
smithsee where is your land located? Northern part of San Augustine County?
Yes, it is very close to the drilling operation going on in the Bland Lake area.
That is the USA-BL. The St Mary Vertical Haynesville. They say they will test the shale and the CV Lime. It already sits in the County Line Field as well according to Cabot and Goodrich's maps so the James Lime as well is there. I think this will be a good place to be. We are at the Souhern edge of the quirk survey right above the Garrett survey so I am a bit biased of course.
Have been contacted by Elite Land Services wanting to lease 131 acres in the Jacob Garrett Survey, A-116.
Their offer of $300.00 per acre and 20% royalty seems very low, but accurate information is difficlt to attain.
Can anyone advise?
Elite is leasing for Cabot. That is close to what I have heard out there. 300-500 w/20%. They are probably looking for more James Lime acreage which they are certainly good at producing.
Elite is leasing for Cabot and so is Rock Ridge. Who is Eagel Stone leasing for?? They seem to be all over the Map.
Eagle Stone is leasing tracts of land and then trying to auction them off to a third party. I think it is under Energy Spectrum Advisors if you want to google it.


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