Don't take advice from some on this site that claim to be your friend. If they talk down to you they are not your friend.

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OK, thanks I am still on a rant.

Absolutely a riot!!!!!!!!! bi-curious!!!!!!!!!!!!
Do more! Do more! Do more!
Mom A1 :)
yeah, yeah, I fell out of my armchair with this. Is it a full moon, or is everybody just excited about the rain? Over heating huh?
I almost woke the kids up laughing at this. Truly inspirational!
Short drive for me Earl but that ain't saying nothing new. Sunday was a bad day for me, started out bad at 6AM. Turned badder as the day went on. One arm fell off my chair and I forgot to look at the moon last night. Today is a new day and tomorrow might be better. Lets sharpen the drill bit and push on down to the Smackover maybe we will hit paydirt.
I don't read this site alot, just periodically, but have learned some of the main "repliers"...just wanted to say, some of ya'll are hilarious, even if I sometimes don't follow your topic or line of conversation. The banter makes me laugh out loud this dreary Monday morning, Thanks and have a good week. I know this is off topic & sorry.
Thanks for the advice Earl & KB, got my model 13 loaded.
Earl, My sense of humor is know match for you. I am here to serve you my loyal king.
Mr. Scarbrock, I am sorry if I may have offended you with any of my comments, yesterday. You know it does not help matters when the New York Times labels us as incompetent red necks that just wants to buy a new cadallic. Some of us have been educated past the eighth grade. Some even have been off to college and have degrees.We are alot smarter than we look or even talk. So please don't take offense. Rest assured that if you came into my house to discuss a deal you would be perfectly safe. Unless you kicked my dog.

Also people need to realize that alot of information that is put into this site, esspecially by "arm chair drillers" may not be true. Just take in the information sort through it and make an informed decision. I was joking about the orange car with the rebel flag and I am sorry that the good people in this area have made you feel unsafe. I can assure you most of us are not like that.
I only kick when they try to bite, thats I wear my Justins when I am in the field. I am as redneck as any of my Lessors. It is just a few that makes things unsafe and I guess its that way any where you go. I was acting a bit crazy yesterday and did too much talking on this site. I should have gone to Sabine Parish. I didn't take what you said to heart.
Thats good, we all need information from experienced people and I appreciate the fact that you are willing to share. Thanks so much. Another group hug for landmen. P.S. my dog does bite, Thank god she is only 12 LBS. If she was any bigger I would have to change her name to "killer".



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Posted by Keith Mauck (Site Publisher) on November 20, 2024 at 12:40

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