Is production of HS gas threatened by cows?

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What? You want me to build one? lol Since this is from 1980, I wonder if a more current publication is available. I'm sure there have been upgrades, technology added.

Interesting, thanks - sesport :0)
Sesport, this is already fairly widespread in the US and growing. The big incentive now is to generate CO2e emissions credits for sale. In California biogas (or biomethane) is being targeted for use as a "low carbon" fuel in vehicles.

By the way it takes ~ 10,000 cows to generate 1 MMcfd of biogas so probably not a big threat to the HS.
Yes! The BIG incentive scheme is to defraud citizens out of some of their standard of living! "Big" incentive for a money hungry government!
That cap and trade fraud will do nothing to change climate.

Cap & Trade: Europe's System Failed. Why Should it work in the US?

Rep. Henry Waxman (D-Calif.) and other key members of the House Energy and Commerce Committee are calling for a carbon cap-and-trade system, much like the one that Europe adopted four years ago but has yet to produce benefits. In Europe, energy prices have skyrocketed, economic competitiveness has drained away, many jobs have been lost and investment has gone elsewhere. Worse still, Europe's carbon emissions have increased.
You guys crack me up. How did I know that title I gave this topic would attract your attentions? Grab a hammer and see if you can build one of these things for me!

best - sesport :0)
Les - The "growing" factor is why I decided to post it, even though I knew it would attract attention for debate about what our taxes are payig for. (Pssst ... Don't look up! lol)

Looking at PG's link & the date, it should be fairly far along in RD&D by now. I did find it interesting that it utilizes "end product" from the cows, rather than their belches, as some have argued before.

Hey, I say make use of everything we can. I can't stand to toss flower heads, seed pods, leaves in the trash, they get tossed in the back of the beds & under the bushes. The worms do the rest. Time to end our "Use it & toss it" mind sets.

Thanks for looking at it - :0)
Sesport, some of the newer biodigesters being constructed supplement cow manure with other organic matter such as food waste, grease traps, etc. Those items have a much higher biogas yield and really enhance production. The key is to learn the right mix for optimizing the biodigester performance.
Les - What are the applications for this kind of gas, how is it marketed?
Sesport, currently the majority of the gas is used on location either directly or for generating power as it does not comply with pipeline specifications. Some of the newer projects (such as the one in Stephenville, Texas) treat the gas and deliver into the gas pipeline grid just like produced natural gas. So pricing is the same plus the potential for generating incremental revenue thru sale of CO2e emissions credits.
Let's not forget "Wood Gas"!
Hey, are you done building that project yet? :0)



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