Wasn't there a previously, largely hyped, NG discovery in Louisiana that went bust??

Why did it go bust?
Where was it?
Is the Haynesville destined for a similar fate? Why or why not?
Could that happen to the Haynesville?
Is there a similar scenario to the Haynesville? Economy falls, too much supply, etc.
What happened?

Tags: NG, play

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VSC, there has been no exact situation like the Haynesville Shale.

You may be thinking of the Austin Chalk play in Central Louisiana south of Alexandria. In that case after drilling several wells it was determined the rock parameters and gas in place were very inconsistent across the play. As I recall it was much deeper than the Austin Chalk play in Texas and the wells were very expensive and technically challenging to drill. Those factors combined to doom the economics of the play.
Oh I am waiting.
Not selling any land or rights in my lifetime.

It was an unexpected blessing for which I am thankful everyday.
I leased at the height last summer and rewarded very profitably.
I am already ahead.

I was just wondering the odds of me seeing any drilling in my lifetime.
If its after I am gone that's ok too.
Is the up and down cycle usually 3, 5 10 years?
Is this cycle, and the economy and other factors, so out of the norm, that there is no way to tell?
Read "The Long Emergency" by Jim Kuntsler for a headsup on the current down cycle.
Prices of NG would do much better if they would promote it's use for transportation rather than primarily competing with coal. It would also stabilize the up and down price cycles in petroleum as well. A good economy needs stability in energy prices as nearly everything we consume has energy figured into it somewhere along the line.
It helps.
Thank you so much.

So far I have just been hoping it would start the upswing sooner rather than later.

I think of my stake, as a working asset, like my rental properties, the give me passive income on a regular basis.
This is just not working yet, and is so passive its not doing anything. lol
I will look at it more like the things I have tucked and secured away, that are valuable, but I would not dare sell them not matter how much they may be worth.

I am sure I am not alone in wanting to see what's in the future now.
I will be content with writing down the things I'd like to have and will probably have the discretionary $$ to get....someday.

My kids, all early 20's, will be able to have a few extra dollars down the road to maybe put down on homes or start businesses.

I can rest pretty easy knowing my grandchildren can go to college without too much struggle, whether I am here or not.


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