I was just contacted by a female rep from Twin Cities and offered $2000 and 22%. I was also told that I should take it and that they weren`t paying any more than that. Also she stated that the East 80 group was no longer together,[wrong]. I almost told her to come on over,[not].

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Thats a long time to tie I agree. I heard that Petrohawk is leasing in northern Red River Parish for $ 5000 per acre. The only drawback is that they want large parcels not just an acre or two which those of us in the neighborhoods have.
Acreage in T-18/11 being unitized by Samson . Their offer has increased from $1,000/ac to $3,000/ac and 25%. We have decided that we will wait for a better offer. Only time will tell if that is smart or dumb. I assume we will join the ranks of those force-pooled. The area is SE of Haughton near Webster parish.
We were approached 2 weeks ago by samson. We live in sec 34 twn18n range 11w. We were offered 3000 per ac with 25% royals. We caught this land guy in a bunch of untruths concerning sec 34. PLEASE do your research before signing anything!!! Some of these guys are dishonest and think we are just a bunch of Clampit type hillbillies.
HW, thanks for the info. We are in sec 35 and are out of state. We are in no hurry to do anything so will take our time and see what happens. We had just started nego. last year at $12,500/ac when the bottom fell out, and I haven't lost any sleep over that. I'm happy for those in the area who got the $15-22,000 deals and hope they all get big wells. According to the landmen and offers, 14 months ago my land was worth $350/ac. 12 months ago it was $12,500/ac. 2 months ago it was $1,000/ac. 2 weeks ago it was $3,000/ac. The long term value of the land hasn't changed any. I think we will just stand by and see how serious Samson is to lease ,or if they want a partner to ride the drill down with them. Atlplt.
Atlpilot I think you are correct. I could have joined the rest of my neighborhood and signed for $8750 per but I didn`t like the contract. Just as you stated it isn`t going anywhere. I didn`t have this extra cash value 2 yrs ago and I`m not going anywhere either.
You guys should do yourself a favor and look at natural gas prices. $3.24/Mcf today and dropping fast. I'd take $3000/25% in a heartbeat if I was unleased at this point in time! Good luck on getting anything better than that when NG goes below $3 in a few weeks....
The price has moved back up some. I was prepared to sign for 4k 14 months ago and the deal fell through. This was in Webster Parish and no offer since. I did lease in Bossier Parish before the bottom fell out. If they are going to drill your section then counter offer they will pay more. What bothers me is saying the minerals aren't going anywhere, which is true but the opportunity may pass us by. Who knows when and where the next great discovery will be and will the O&G companies pack up their bits and go. I myself would rather have my minerals being produced than not. Deciding what to take or not take is a personal decision, I have friends in the Haughton area that turned down 15k and have not had an offer since. It's a crap shoot, the O&G business is always going to be up and down. The Count is right about the price it does effect the deal and I suspect they new the price was going way down last fall when they stopped paying high bonuses.
Count, thanks for the advice. That was exactly what I was told 14 months ago when I turned down $350/ac with gas at $8-10/mm. We all know how the lease price has changed since then. And yes, the leasing offers came from people who already knew about the HS but didn''t bother to tell me. But, thank you anyway. Atlplt.
Comparing $350/acre with the $15000/acre spike seen last summer is ridiculous. That spike was a once in a lifetime opportunity that may never come again, and yet there are those on here who assume that should be the new "norm" for a lease amount.
I don't know what the new "norm" should be, but $3000/ac is 3 times what I was offered 3 weeks ago, and almost 10 times what was offered 14 months ago, not to mention the $15-20,000/ac leases signed last year. So pardon me if I am skeptical of any "norm" for this play. I don't know what leases will be going for in the next 1-5 years in this area, and neither do you. If I never lease, or if I lease for $100/ac that is my business and my decision. Anyway, I won't feel as dumb as I would have last year if I had leased for $350/ac and watched it flipped for $15,000/ac two months later. Although it is up to Samson at this time, I just have a feeling that we will come to an agreement before all is said and done. I truly don't think that they want any partners in their units, but could be wrong.

Count, you seem to be overly sensitive to this lease price thing for other people. Are you by chance a landman? Anyway, I will be kind and not insinuate that you are "ridiculous" in your comments, as you did to my post.

I simply posted on this site to pass info to people interested in T18/11 as to what was going on with us at the current time, in the hopes that they would share the same with me. Best of luck to you and yours. AP
I can tell you this much Atlpilot. Three years ago I, with all my neaghbers, was offered the grand sum of 150 ( thats right, just three decmel spaces) dallars per acre by Samsons landman. This was with 3/16 royalties. I didnt sign but most everyone else did. Now Ive been offered 3,000 per acre with 1/4 royalty. To say my neaghbers feel screwed is an understatement. I have also contacted Samson and told them if they cant send an honest straight shooting landman to talk to me then dont bother, because if there is one thing I despise more than most is being lied to. Some folks think its just part of the game. I DONT
On July 13th- "Good luck on getting anything better than that when NG goes below $3 in a few weeks...." Haha, did I call that one or what? NG closed sub $3 today.


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