Laughable, "EPA Administrator Jackson confirmed an EPA analysis showing that unilateral U.S. action to reduce greenhouse gas emissions would have no effect on climate. Moreover, when presented with an EPA chart depicting that outcome, Energy Secretary Steven Chu said he disagreed with EPA’s analysis.

“I believe the central parts of the [EPA] chart are that U.S. action alone will not impact world CO2 levels,” Administrator Jackson said.’t-work/

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Very nice. Global Warming, Climate Change, Crap and Trade and Tax, etc. are all schemes to extract more money out of the hardworking folks of the U.S. and give it to a socialistic government so they can "you know, spread it around" and implement their favorite programs like welfare, socialized medicine, the destruction of the capitalist state, the destruction of the best medical system in the world. Yeah, making the US medical system look like Canada's or Britain's will be so good!!! And all for a 50% tax rate!! Wow, Wally! Can we get more of that?

Where will the Canadians go to get good healthcare? I guess they'll head to the Carribean where all of our doctors will be going to try and protect the small amounts of money His Highness Bobomma (peace be upon him) will allow them to keep.
"I myself find it much more interesting that the large climate shift during the late Middle Ages coincides with the Maunder Minimum, which was marked by a remarkably multidecadal low incidence of sunspot activity on the Sun’s surface."

Bravo. The facts concerning the medieval warm period and later little ice age were a big part of what finally convinced me "global warming" was probably bogus.

It's just very amusing to me that in 40 years we've went from "omg we're going to freeze" to "omg we're going to burn up" to "omg we can't control our climate."
WOW !!!!!!!!!! WEEEEEEEEEEEEEL PUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Accuweather: 3,000 low temperature records set this July. How's Al Gore's global warming working for you?
Its not Global Warming anymore, the new catchword is "climate change".

You are right-by calling it "climate change", you win whether temperatures go up or down.

Sort of like flipping a two-headed coin, and calling out "Heads". You can't lose.

You don't think "The new Ice age" the same people were predicting in the 1970s is now coming?
Goverment mandated schemes through punishing taxation is not capitalism, I don't think you understand what capitalism is.
Just stating a fact.
Check - Would you say that we live a reasonably safe life here in the U.S. as compared to, say, China or Mexico or some African countries? Would you say our food is REASONABLY safe to eat, our water REASONABLY safe to drink compared to, say, China, Mexico, South & East Africa? That most Americans can fill their gas tanks in a REASONABLY safe manner, that we know fuels are transported in a REASONABLY safe manner? Would you say you can drive down any road, highway, interstate and expect other drivers to do so in a REASONABLY safe manner?

Just wondering & a word of caution here - sesport :0)
Maybe they should ban internal combustion engines and force us all to go back to horses and buggies!
Oh wait!
Horse farts are as bad, if not worse, than CO2, huh?
Enjoying short term self imagined rapture!

Don't worry, things are catching up to the Chosen One...his approval rating is dropping like a rock and over 50% of the folks in the country don't like his 3 key pet projects...ObamaCare, Crap, Tax and Trade, and Spreading It Around. So maybe we aren't going to heck in a handbasket! We just have to keep the pressure on him and his henchmen in the Senate and House and keep batting down their foolhearty plans each time they raise them. Fail-Baby-Fail! Then in 2010 we can make inroads into sending some of these czarists back home and replace them with folks who understand business and making payrolls.
Nice point about business and making payrolls, most of the Czarista's who sit in the Capitol have never held a job in the private sector, much less owned a business and made payrolls. Maybe we need some community organizers to show us how it's done. It is a shame that many people who voted for Obama had no clue what a radical leftist he was, they were just tired of Bush. But as Mark states he is falling like a meteorite as are many Dhimmicratic senators and congressman, he is wildly grasping at whatever fear tactics he can. It was only a matter of time, he will go down as the most spectacular failure in the history of American politics and I will revel in beautiful "self-imagined rapture" and thank God!



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Posted by Keith Mauck (Site Publisher) on November 20, 2024 at 12:40

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