I kinda liked Crowley's choice, Blue Moon. But, I may also go with a Guinness Draught.

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I like the STRONG stuff. Diet Coke. No ice. (hey, you gotta live dangerous some times).
i had a cousin from the area who used to make homemade brew. i remember the first time i drank some. when we opened it, it just started to foam and i put my mouth over it. it never stopped foaming and when he stopped laughing at me I realized that i was drunk as a skunk...
Connell. You don't look old enough to consume alcohol. Let's see some ID. LOL!
I am with you parker, I like sweet tea. You can keep the beer.
Yea buddy! Diet coke on the rocks does it for me
i like shiner bock and budweiser !
BTW- skip, i think i have a recipe for the GHS shaletini. planning on a demonstration video mabey on monday. demonstrating how to make, not how to drink! lol
kj. If your GHS shaletini recipe sounds good, I'll overlook your beer choices above. Such a disappointment. Tisk, tisk. And if the shaletini tastes good, I'll demonstrate how to drink it. Cheers. LOL!
good deal skip , and what is your problem with shiner bock ?
kj. It's like making love in a canoe.
Caliente. The punch line requires a response from kj. And as the punch line is adult in nature, it will not appear in this discussion thread. It will be posted to jk's personal page for those who wish to view it. I learned my lesson with the Jethro Tull lyrics thread. LOL! " Sitting on a park bench ........."!
Caliente. I suspect that king john is not logged in as it is Friday night and his bartending duties are of paramount importance. The punchline is on his personal page. And a good weekend to all. Skip


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