I still use page 11 from Petrohawk's 06.02.08 Powerpoint presentation to plot applications for units and I've noticed lately the NE fringe is finally being explored. I don't know if the news will be good or bad, but we shall know something before the end of the year. Any news for T18?

Recent Applications S-T-R Field Parish
09-775 28-19-11 Sentell Field Bossier
09-762 29-17-10 Elm Grove Field Webster

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Taylor, I agree on the NE advancement. I did see on a map awhile back where a HS penetration occurred in 18/8. I searched on sonris but could not find the well. I think PH is forming a unit south of central school. Let's hope the wells to be drilled in T17 are good ones and that should heat things up in T18. Another thing, there were a lot of leases signed last summer in 18&19 so by this time next year their should be more activity to complete sections before those leases begin to expire in 2011.
Where is central school? I know of several leases that were signed in T18 back in May-June of 2008 that were 3 year deals with 2 year extensions. Surely PH would not want to pay the $ out for the 2 year extension. Thanks for the info. Catfish! I'm keeping my fingers crossed! :-)
Central School is between Dubberly and Heflin. It's a few miles west of Heflin.
Sorry, I meant east of Heflin.
Thanks..not from Webster -as you can tell.
Here is another application to add......


33-17-10 Elm Grove Field Webster Parish
Thanks Taylor, Who is the operator?
WSF... Petrohawk
I figured, taths good thanks

Noticed your posts about wells being permitted by PetroHawk in Sections 29 and 33 of T17N-R10 West.

I own land in Sec 28-T17N-R10W.

Would you mind giving us the well names of those two wells (in 29 and 33) . I can't find them on the Office of Conservation web site.

Wayne these were applications to form HA drilling units. This has to be done first and then a permit has to be issued then it will show up on sonris. This only shows their their intent to develope that unit.
Thanks VERY much for the reply. I'll bet it won't be long before they apply for a unit in Section 28.

I received a call from a landman today (wanting to lease my land) who worked for Petrohawk.

I own a couple of lots in Palmetto Beach Estates (across Clark's Bayou from the State Park). The landman said he was going through the neighborhood trying to lease the landowners in that area.

I live in Tyler, Texas , and he had run the records (and done a search to find my telephone number) so I think they are pretty serious with their leasing activity.

Coupled with the fact that Bridas has permitted a well 2-3 miles NW of Section 28, looks like this area is going to get some activity.

Is anyone else being approached in that area?


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