We were offered $4,000 per acre and 25%. I have no idea if this is a good deal or not. Can anyone give us a clue as to whether this is something we should go forward with or not???

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Sounds like another barefoot UMO in the making...
But seriously, I have heard concrens that the HA drops out somwhere around 10-9W.

Of course we will see.
I'm so dumb that I don't know what a barefoot UMO is. Also, why 8W good luck?
it is a barefoot unleased mineral owner.
You so smart. An hour ago I didn't know what a UMO was, now I find out I is one.
I say good luck on 8W because of what I said above. It looks like this area could be outside of the core shale area. But only time and drilling will tell.

The good news is that there is a great well not too far off from you. The Golson 32 is hanging out in 15N-9W in Woodardville FIeld. But you are out there past the currently established 'edge'.

Skip, Baron, how far west did that STR acquisition stretch out to?
West? Or East? The STR Golson is in S32 - 15N - 9W. There are thirty units/sections in 15N - 9W. S1,2,5-10, 24, 25, 36 to Will Drill. S15-17, 19-23, 26-29, 31-35 to Questar. And S11, 14 to Petrochem. The last I heard, Questar was assuming operator status from Petrochen and Will Drill under a Farmout. This is BirdDawg's back yard and he keeps up with the latest development activity. Ask him the specifics. The most eastward on the HA units in 15N are in 8W where Will Drill has S6,7,29-32. I do not know if the STR farmin includes those most eastern sections.
whoops (good catch Skip) East... This would be near or in the AL Bend / Woo'ville f/o area from Pchem and Spanoil. OK, BD, your wheelhouse, what's the lay of the land? Caliente... any word from your area on this one?
i live in caddo parrish on southfield road in broadmoor shreveport, la. zip 71105 township/district/town of 17n13w16 on 08-19-2009 twin city development offered me a $1000 per acre bonus and 25% royalty or $1,500 per acre bonus and 22% royalty. The rep. said they do not deal with coaltitions like the broadmoor neighborhood coalition and that they had lots of people in my area jumping on board for this $1,000 per acre. She also said they will not do a 3 year lease but only a 5 year. i only have 1/5th of an acre and it looks like it's not worth fooling with if it were not for the royalty. so will someone tell me if this is low, high, fair, unfair? many thanks!


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