If you get drilled or leased in San Augustine in 2009 post it here. Give all the details you can...... This might give everyone in SA an idea when things start picking back up.

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A-15 is 10-12 miles due south of A-116. So as oil and gas formations go, they might as well be in different states.

Have not heard of any recent offers in SA County higher than what was quoted by James ONeal.
Was recenty offered $2000.00 an acre in the quirk survey, Considering the offer.
Do you mind sharing who offered and where in the quirk?
Down 147 towards Bland Lake Area, The offer is the largest received so far, beginning with 500.00 per acre, just pondering if it would be worth holding out to see how things go later down the road. Any thoughts?
If you are in the Bland Lake area we have already had offers for $5,000, $5500 and $6000.00 at 25% .
I would not consider any less than around these figures. We haven't signed and are really not in any hurry. But you said the Quirk survey. The E Quirk is north west. Are you speaking of the Quirk T where Devon has recently permited?
When did you receive these offers? we received an offer for $1000.00 per acre on 21E at san Augustine and Sabine co line.
Carlene, the big bonus money has left the building (about October 2008).. I think the best that you could get would be $2,000 and that is if they wanted it really bad to finish up a drilling unit. With the price of NG $2.56 and storage up 35% above the 5 year average NG prices are not going to rise very much anytime soon ( even with a cold winter). Is it Devon that wants to lease you? Good luck...
Keep in mind there are numerous employees, of the OG companies on this website, with one mission in life that being to convince mineral rights owners that acreage is being leased for pennies. There is still a lot of acreage in SA County unleased. When you hear a contributor "wig out" about how the bonuses are extremly low and how the time has passed for high bonuses and they particularly profess their opinion with a great deal of hostility, you can bet it is coming from an OG employee. Sure the natural gas prices are down. There isn't a natural gas CEO or trader that does not believe natural gas, in the near future, will stabalize to $5.00-$6.00. Stock prices are rising for OG companies. Congress will pass the natural gas bill after they return from recess. Then the scenario will change for the future of natural gas. You may want to consider waiting to sign until this bill passes. Keith, the publisher for this web site, recently posted, on the Sabine Parish site, that Chesapeak and Petrohawk were paying up to $5000 and more per acre. So...Sabine Parish is hot and north-west SA county is hot but everything in between is not??? Please! OG employees. Stop insulting our very intelligent mineral rights owners on this web site!!
Charlene, If you do sign, among other things, protect your deep drilling rights. You don't want to sign with someone like St Mary who will tie up hundreds of acres with a shallow well. Retain a good attorney. It will be well worth the money.
Hey Cheerleader:

Please enlighten us and tell us what's in the "natural gas bill" that congress is going to "pass after they return from recess". I really hope your not talking about the industry-crippling cap and trade bill that is currently before the Senate. Last time you posted something absurd (leases having "confidentiality clauses") I asked you to clarify, and never heard a peep out of you.

Truth be told, you know nothing of what is going on in this county. I am buying leases day in, day out for $300-$500/acre, and that's a fact. Will I get all the acreage I want for that price? Of course not, but instead of paying the high bonus prices you are recommending (5k/acre!!!), I just skip over those tracts and lease the next guy. Very simple, and at $2.50 gas, I don't have a choice anyway.

I am still patiently awaiting you to back up any of your silly posts.

A "confidentiality agreement" is a generic legal term representing confidentiality among parties in a contract.[i.e. lease] Many a comment has been made on this website, by mineral rights owners, who will not divulge their bonus and position because they have either agreed to as a result of a landperson requesting the bonus remain confidential or a specific clause, in the lease, which holds the bonus and/or the terms of the lease "confidential". As you know all leases are not recorded, to maintain confidentiality regarding the terms of a lease, which are advantageous for a mineral rights owner but the OG company does not want to be made public.
You obviously do not require the clause given you are bragging about your $300-$500 an acre bonus. You do not want the bonus to remain confidential. On the contrary, you want to convince individuals on this website that $300-$500 is a going rate when in fact it is not! As you state, " Will I get all the acreage I want for that price? [$300-$500]...."of course not!" Of course you will not because the majority of individuals are aware of the Haynesville and the leasing implications. St Mary was not paying any more than $300-$500 in July and August of 2008. So whats new with your position? Nothing! The price of natural gas is irrelevant to you. Your bonus offers never change regardless of the natural gas prices.
We interpret your adamant position, regarding leasing bonuses, as coming from an industry employee whose job it is to profess $5000 plus bonuses as "silly". Keith just posted an entry, in the Sabine Parish section, reporting $5,500 an acre at 25% for 3 years, Section 24. Is Keith's posting "silly"? I suppose your next "shoot from the hip" reaction will be "but that is Sabine Parish"..So what!
Natural gas finally has a voice in Congress! The natural gas bill will establish natural gas as the fuel bridge for the next 20 plus years. Among other issues, tax credits for natural gas expansion.[i.e. $100,000 tax credit for natural gas filling stations] T.Boone Pickens should be applauded for supporting the bill.
FYI.... I was approached via telephone on Friday (07/24/09) by 'ONE' of the bigger companies, who still says I cannot reveal their interest in the area (yet, everyone talks about them) without penalty for unauthorized disclosure being levied. Interest is in purchasing the rights to any of my families holdings that may be coming to lease end with other companies. Dollar amounts have not been discussed, but it is implied that they will out bid any existing lease holders. The survey that it appears they have the largest interest in is E. Quirk, survey #A-35... it is 163.684 acres that Cabot O&G picked up the extended 2 year lease on from I believe, the Samedan Oil Corporation (?) in Houston. Anyway, the long and short of it is, Cabot's interest will lapse in just under one year and the above "un-named" company wants us to pick up a new four year lease right now at $$$ more per acre than they believe Cabot, Southwestern or Devon will be willing to go to. So, my question is..... "what the heck is down there that everyone seems to want to get their 'grimey little grub snatchers' on??? If you know, please let 'ALL' of us know.
I would love to know who it is. I have acreage that is unleased in quirk.....expired....just waiting on release to be filed. Anybody with info?


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