This is in direct response to a post in another discussion and remarks that I have personally had to address.

Why in the world would anybody be in such a big hurry to talk to someone ( O&G's ) that have done everything but be 100 % honest with everyone that they have dealt with thus far on this play ? I can't for the life of me understand how someone that has supposedly become an informed consumer through this forum and others like it , be ready to go at the O&G's without help . If you are in that big of a hurry to drink that "Jim Jones kool-aid" then go right ahead but please do not come back on this site complaining that your draft has another 70 days to go before its good and offers have increased by several thousand dollars.If you feel that you will be treated fairly then please hurry up and sign before they leave town and never come back. HA! Look back 6 months from now and see if you still want to see those silver tongued devils like you do now. Sorry to rant but this just didn't sit right with me this afternoon.

If there is a good reason to be talking or wanting to talk with O&G's right now in the midst of their "pullout " , please chide in and let me in on something that I must be overlooking. I promise not to blow up on you. I have never made that promise before on this site so you had better take your chances while its there.

Views: 71

Replies to This Discussion

Well Mr. Stewart , I am on the same page as yourself but I thought I would chide in just so you would quit patting your feet and looking so stupid glaring at the screen till your eyeballs dried out completely !
patients is the name of the game so just giveum a little while
I have a little inside info that says they are starting to look this way again
so be more patient than I was I was offered way back in April when any thing over 350/acre was out standing for my area
Signing a while back wasn't doing anything out of the ordinary. When I was first approached with $500 per acre that was unheard of and would have signed had he followed up and convinced my wife it was the thing to do. He had me at hello. Not the wife though and that is the only reason I am sitting in front of this screen shouting at people. The ones that truely upset me are the ones that are fortunate not to have been confronted early on with that offer they just couldn't refuse. Now they want to be in front of the line to sign. Even though they are privy to info you and I didn't have early on. I think it is terrible for people to make these types of decissions today with all the stuff thats out there for them.
Thanks for chiden' in. People were going to start thinking I was crazy if I kept talking to myself. Keep sending out the intel. It is haveing an impact on some. We can't save them all but we certainly must try . Have a good one !
Snake some of the best minds want to know.
1- where are the landmen?
2- why want they call me?
3- why want they answer my calls?
4- why can't I get 30 K and 30%.
5- why can't I get a gas well?
The longer this play goes on the crazier most people have become.
We should all face the fact that something for sale is always worth more money when someone wants to buy it before the seller puts the for sale sign in the window.
You are exactly correct in the slow down statement, most snow balls that start rolling down hill will at some point melt when they get to the fire of hell.
$350 and 3/16 is at this point in time the fire some have rolled into.
I will go back to fighting my personal windmills now, good luck Snake.
They can only drill so many wells per year, perhaps, they are maxed out.

They will come but apparently not in phase one of the play. Possibly phase two.

I can't eat but one steak at a time; I do not need to butcher all my cows at one time; I will butcher the next cow when my current steak supply runs out.

Besides I think they know they can't ambush us will low ball offers, we are too prepared. We are just going to have to hibernate for a while. Hope new legislation is passed to promote the use of natural gas.
They are still leasing land in Texas for the Barnnet shale. After 10 years the going price is 25000 to 30000 an acre. Dont worry about them claiming they are pulling out. They will be here for a long time to come. And they will try everything to get thier leases as cheap as possible.

Yes not only can they drill just so much at one time, they can only put out just so much money at one time. They had to go out and borrow money to do this drilling. And now they are going to have to bring in a return before they can borrow more.

When they say they are pulling out now, what they really mean is they are out of money to spend at this time. Take the time to do a study of what happened with the Barnnet shale. It did not happen all at once. They would bite off a chunk of land and then develop it then move on a little farther out and repeat the process when money and resources beacame available.

Some of us may not have an offer for several years down the road. Dont worry Be happy.
Snake...I said at the beginning that I was with this GROUP for the long haul.I WILL be here for the long haul!Hell....this might take three years OR more.I don't look for it to but it's certainly possible.People get greedy or just impaitient when it comes to money,and act like they are afraid someone will get what they might not.If folks are that antsy then they might not belong here,where neighbors and friends stand together for each others best interest!
I applaud the fortitude and stamina to play this situation for the "long haul" and not give in to early offers. History repeats itself and I think this play will mirror the Barnett in many ways. The saying "patience is a virtue" will likely bear fruit for those who choose that course.


Do we really need take those who choose otherwise and throw the under the bus! "...they might not belong here" ?? Come on!

The proof of who are friends and family should not be that they make the very same decision as we do. Serving each others best interests should be by caring enough to make sure they have the best information possible and they know all the options when called on to make a decision.

Let's not kick others out or make them feel unwelcomed if they don't play the same game we do--let's just try to ensure whatever decision they make, they have no reason for regret later on.
What do you do when you know that the decission they are making right now will be regretted in less then 1 month , while they still have 2 months for their draft to clear ?
If you do not believe that our group is for you then that is certainly your choice and I support you in that regard because this is America.At the end of the day , this isn't a popularity contest. If it were then I probably wouldn't be the spokesman.
This is about doing what is right , first and formost. Then it becomes a matter of protecting the groups best interests. Those interests don't include people that would be willing to cut the legs out fom under us. Its not personal yet , but It does make it difficult when your signs keep dissapearing close to a "newer" groups stomping grounds.
The reson I started this was due to the fact that my friends and family didn't make the decission I did. They are still friends and familt , they are just disapointed that we didn't know sooner what we know now. Thanks
Webster Parish--Approximation

17 townships, more or less

36 sections per township

640 acres per section

17 x 36 = 612 sections

612 sections x 640 acres = 391,600 acres

If the O/G pays $10,000.00 per acre

$10,000.00 x 391600 acres = $3,916,800,000.00


$30,000.00 x 391600 acres = $11,748,000,000.00


O/G can't buy it all at one time, but they will eventually have to deal.

Do not let this get you down, THEY WILL COME!!!!!
It is just a little more time that is required.
Let me clarify myself when I say IF you sign with the first offer given.Everyone has different curcumstances.If for whatever reason you are in a bind finacially ad NEED to take what may at first seem a fair offer...then by all means do what curcumstances dictate.

I personally am not well off and given the unforseen doctor bills that are rolling in now could prolly use a windfall.However,I took all of that into consideration when I joined this group.I said then and I say now that I am in this for the long haul not only for the good of the many but also for the good this will eventually bring for myself.Sounds kind of self seving when put that way does'nt it?Well that is exactly what it is.This is one of those times that when you and your friends and neighbors stand together....everyone COULD and should benefit in the end by standing with and looking out for each others interest!

Help me understand exactly what you are saying?

There are probably some postings that I have not seen, but please be more specific about your concerns.

Thanks in advance for your thoughts.



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Posted by Keith Mauck (Site Publisher) on November 20, 2024 at 12:40

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