welcome-invite all to join--lets start list of known wells and penetration of shale in Nacgodoches

County---please add to list--then can get comments and questions flowing---EOG is drilling in one of the hot area of Martinsville and North Chireno with the Gammage #1H--word is but not on RRC site is IP> 10mmcfd-confirmed by John Gammage who owns all the minerals in unit--Eog has premitted 3 more well in the area- Hill, Hassell,and Pop-Pop. Cabot in JV with XOM old Trawick Field Northern Nacgodoches County has drilled several vertical wells into shale-one of wells talked about in their conference call last year that IP at 3.3mmcfd-massive for vertical shae--all of these well are shut-in presently--all leases HBP prior TP wells so no reason to drill H wells and product with these low NG prices. Fossil Resources ans Samson may have tested shale in the Martinsville TP field. OK everyone add to list and get info you know---I have lots of interest in Martinsville area

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Martinsville area seems the hottest...
EOG per Phawk presentation 9-29-09 --2 wells completed -ie ASSUME..Gammage #1h and Hill #1h and 2 waiting fracs=Hassell #1h (and permit filed 10-1-09 for the Hassell #2H) and the Pop-Pop #1h; looks like the near by Valence wells not hitting the same sweet spot or drilling problems--any info out there? and Petrohawk/EOG added to their ami and acquiring additional acreage

Samson-drilling Travis Peak and pettit vertical wells and doing some commingling of those zones

Goodrich -Naconiche Creek area--2 (referenced below) we Bossier Shale and Haynesville Shale--vertical wells not horizontal and not big production numbers shown
another new permit Petrohawk in Mora 827 survey - Petroleum Creek #1h-10-1-09..so EOG/Petrohawk
moving West in Nacogdoches
Is there any new information on this one? I own minerals in Mora 827. Thanks again.
another Martinsville area Horizontal --Hassell Horizontal permit by EOG--10/5/09 Hassell #3H-says will not be produced concurrently with #2H in Carthage, N(Bossier Shale) (add to the #1H, #2H)
Has anyone heard anything of the Little Lease API #347-33055, 347-32992 or 347-33043 that were permitted to be drilled by O'Brien (O'Benco) back in March and April? O'Brien's Landman had contacted us and was all hot to get it moving right that minute.... then nothing.... not even returning Emails.... just wondering!

Little Lease #1:

Completion Information
Well Status Code Spud Date Drilling Completed Surface Casing Date
Z - Unperfed completion 12/23/2008 01/27/2009 12/24/2008

looks like Little Lease #2 and #3 not drlled after #1 was not good
per drillinginfo..says
Little #1= "unperf'd completion" per the Texas Railroad commission,
Little #2 spud 4/12/2009
Little #3 spud 7/12/2009
RBH, What is your take on the "unperf'd completion"? My cousin is in a Cabot unit in San Augustine Co. that has this notation. I surmise that at some point (when gas prices improve?) Cabot will come back and frac and complete to sales. Do you think this is a correct surmise?
I do not know really--as I said it can either be 3 bad Little Lease wells or waiting for gas prices. As I said, the offset wells to O'Benco did not look good production wise. Which Cabot well?
Wheeler #1
they are most likely drilling to HBP the acres ( they can play with operating on the lease to extent it )or drilling now to take avantage of lower drilling cost then will perf,frac, and complete when market improves. EOG must have some great wells since they have premitted Hassel #2 and #3 H now total of 6 H Shale wells in close area of few sq miles
Thanks adubu.

"they are most likely drilling to HBP the acres"

I think this is a primary driver. The lease I referred to has a two year extension which expires next June sans any production. The next question is: How long can they leave these wells in this state and still claim "production" without producing gas and no royalties being paid?


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