I have a piece of property in Section 31, Township 17, Range 15 near Greenwood,LA that I recently had a landman call me about. Up to now, no one seemed interested in leasing the mineral rights for this property as this was the first inquiry I have had. Does anyone know what drilling activity is going on in this section and what the new going rate is for signing bonuses? I hope its not back down to $250/acre!

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I tried to log onto SONRIS and it was a pay for view site.
I am finding that nothing is straightforward in this oil, mineral rights thing.
Last week a Landman contacted me, went out to my land with me and started in all this how he going to survey it and so on for a well site. I thought he was with an oil company. But no so.
What is a landman? What do they actually do in regards to moving toward an actual drill site?
What is their relationship to the oil company? Does the oil company also have their own landmen?

So strange. Oh and haven't heard one word from this guy since the initial contact.

Reason I started questioning whether he was with the oil company that holds old placid leases on my rights is that have been getting calls from other landmen..

Then ..if this guy is kosher and really is going to pursue drilling a well, how long fromt he time a landman contacts an owner til some kind of paper work is presented? So far nothing.

I own the land and I own the mineral rights..so on my end its pretty straight forward.

So strange...what is a land man?
Cora. SONRIS is a free access database maintained by the LA. Department of Natural Resources - Office of Conservation. You can go to the SONRIS Help Center here on GHS and use the links provided (I'll pull it up on the main page for you). There are also instruction on how to use SONRIS to perform various types of searches. As to landmen, they perform a lot of different functions. I suggest that you communicate only with those who will tell you who they work for and provide you with a phone number and address to verify that representation. If they do not work for an operator (a company that actually drills wells), you need to require that they tell you who they represent. If you have any questions about using SONRIS, there are a lot of members who can help. Good Luck.
opps I am in Texas just to the North of DeBerry and East of Waskom. So guess Sonris doesnt' cover Texas.

My land is listed as a Tract...

But thanks for trying to help me.
You can use the Texas Railroad commision site in TX
Thanks...have another question...what is this sign on bonus that seems to be from $250 to $19000

Is it for the land or for the minerals?

I own both but its under an old placid oil lease.
If you are already under lease, they may be trying to buy your minerals.

What does the document say? Does it say Oil gas and Mineral lease? or is it a Royalty or Mineral Deed?
I am so green. I bought this land in the 70's and bought the mineral rights held by Placid oil company. My own attorney told me "no way you got the minerals, you mistaken". But I wasn't. I do own them.
I get a royalty from an oil well in the unit.

Now this latest contact is supposedly for drilling a Shale well on my land.

No offer was made .. so I have lots of questions and won't get any real answers until someone makes me an offer in writing.

But I reading about all kinds of stuff on this site.. I know a lot more about what to look out for..but still the language is hard as learning French was.

So todays question was what is this bonus for?

Maybe all the oil company has to deal with me on now is the surface rights...since its an old Placid lease.

And I have never seen tht lease..Have contacted oil company and requested a copy of the one on my land.

Maybe there is a copy on file at the Courthouse..might go there and see what I can find out. But when I filed some papers there they really didn't seem very gracious and willing to answer questions of any sort.
Les where did you see the a well is going in on section 30? Im in section 30 and have not seen any activity yet.
Sorry I was slow to respond to you. The landman that spoke to me about leasing my acre in Section 31 several weeks ago told me a well was set to go "on-line" in Section 30 on November 2 and that "plans" were for a well in my section to be drilled in two years. Thats all I can tell you.
As far as leasing my minerals in this section, I think I will follow the advice of one poster. Wait closer to the drill date before signing...then I may be able to get better than the 5K you guys are say is the current rate.
or the prospects of shale gas could go down, maybe two years from now the production data may not be as good, maybe gas prices will continue to falter, or maybe not.

Just think of all the idiots who were holding our for more $$$ last summer. The oil buisness is a roller coaster ride. Somtimes you just have to hop on and hope its a good ride.
Have looked at Sonris and cant seem to find the correct page. Im looking for SECTION 30 Township 17- 15 for any activity. Would appreciate any help here if you see any thing on this section. Thanks
I can tell you that Petrohawk has most of the section leased and paid 19000/acre for it. They are hitting good wells in that area and I wouldn't lease too cheap.


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