I am Har C2; Still here and still committed to Webster Parish.

Report in. This is test and only a test.

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Here and not going anywhere!
HELL....Where else am I going to go?Sticking till the bell rings!!
Here! Here! For the duration, and don't feel too bad Snake, think it's (shale play) getting to all of us a little bit, even if we don't realize it... been a little MOODY myself. LOL And I'm normally pretty easy goin'... Don't believe anything you hear to the contrary. LOL
Well it looks Iike we all know who uses and contributes daily and weekly.
I'm up for a test!
Hi Everyone,

I am a new member and love all the info on this site. I have property in Webster Parish and signed with Chesapeake. My property is in S32-23N-10W. We had signed back in the 1990's and the Co only drilled a shallow well. Chesapeake crawled out from under a rock somewhere and we signed a lease before any of the Haynesville Play was leaked. We are not happy. Now I see that EXTO is drilling close to our property. I think Chessapeake sold to EXTO. The land man mentioned this fact. Thanks for all the replys and info.

FYI....I have land in 23N and joined this network to be kept apprised of any developments in north Webster Parish.
hola count me in too, goooo webster :)
I'm still looking for any information around the Fuller Road, West of Couchwood exit on 371.
There are 2 permitted wells in Township 19N - 10W. Puts them close to the Pleasant Valley water tower. one in section 6 and one in section 7. All the info I can find is that they are operated by Diamond Oil, LLC Casper, Wy. There is no info on the progress of them. It would be nice if anyone has additional info on these wells, they are only about 2 1/2 miles from me as the crow flies. Diamond Oil also has permitted 4 additional wells in Bossier parish. Only the Webster Parish wells are being drilled down to HS and 1 Bossier Parish well is being drilled down to HS. The others are shallow Oil wells. Thats all I can find.
i am here also. i have property s11 t17 r10w
still waiting on offer.


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