We were offered $5,000.00 per acre by Chesapeak, near Blanchard, and then they went down the road, two houses down. and the people got $8500.00. We were robbed by Chesapeak. Would love to hear from more loosers.

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I guess I jumped into this thread without reading it thoroughly.  I am not unhappy with the lease bonus money I received even though I know others around me received more.  I am unhappy with my lease terms but I blame no one but myself for that because I wasn't savvy enough to realize no one should ever sign a legal document without having it vetted by someone in your corner.  But, I signed it so I that's that (or almost).  What I am MOST unhappy about is the fact that even though the wells in my unit have been producing since October, 2010, Chesapeake has yet to pay me the first dime royalty.  They ignore my letters and they told me I was wasting their time when I called, which seems to be possibly the only true statement I have received from them.

Judy, I suggest that you "friend" GHS member Katie McCullin who is with CHK Customer Service. And ask for her help.  I'm not suggesting that she can solve the problem with the error in your lease but I think she can help you with the pay status for your well.




Get in touch with Katie. If anyone can help you she can. It does seem that with the well going on line in Oct. you should have gotten something by now. Good luck I hope it works out for you.

Some companies like to hold their profits long after a reasonable person would say they would liked to be paid. The federal government does the same thing. Dracula lurks in the shadows and presents itself as being on your side, then slams their fangs into your neck.
Certainly lots of good  opinions about how foolish it is to trust a landman an inch without being advised by legal council...
Due diligence is a principle that applies to all business transactions, not just O&G leases.



Thanks again, but I must be beyond even Katie's help.  She did e:mail me and said she would have someone call me; I never received a call.  I believe she passed my request on but I also realize she can't force them to call. Anyway, at this point, I believe Chesapeake has washed their hands of me because the flawed leased agreement was prepared by Meagher Oil.  Since I wouldn't docilely sign the new agreement, I think they're all going to sit back to see what I do because they know I know I won't ever get any royalty money until it is fixed, and obviously they aren't willing to make any concessions to me.  I do think it's interesting that there are three companies involved, Meagher Oil, Chesapeake and Questar.  My lease has been filed since 2008 and they only now have discovered the problem. 

I'll look forward to hearing what your O&G attorney thinks about the situation and what course of action they counsel.
same here, we call & email Katie 2-3 weeks ago and all she said was she'd have someone contact us, to date, we have not heard back from anyone.

typical chesapeake.


Send them a Certified letter.

Certified letters do not work either.  They are ignored.
Thats good. It shows they are intentially ignoring your demand letter. This makes good ammo for a mineral attourney


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