I was going to inquire as to whether anyone knew of lease offers being received as far south as the Many/ Florien area?

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The lawyers last name is Means and he is from Mansfield that is all I could find out for now.
david means
I just read on tigerdroppings.com that around zwolle and belmont there had been offers of 12,500 per, anyone else heard of offers?
hi,sb75, have you heard of anymore offers around the zwolle area?
Not lately it has been quit have not heard much.
hi sb75, just wondering what you have found out in reference to marthaville area? the $13,100 sounds too good to be true for the marthaville area, so i'm wondering if you've been able to confirm....
I am oofshore and have not really been able to talk to my neighbor to confirm it should be home next week will try to find out for sure if that is what he got or if it was just rumor.
I keep hearing rumors of some interest east and west of Many, north of HWY 6. There was a meeting, I am told, in Many at the Shriner's building just a few nights ago but I do not know what came of it. I have heard of no offers south of Many except the Stonegate/Donner location near Toro.
I just signed with CHK in Belmont in the "big woods" 12500k/acre T9R11w; only have 5 acres but i'm happy.With all the hubbub in that area I just wonder if I should of held off.Guess you just have to know when to say when :D
A lawyer in Mansfield worked out the deal. Was the deal olddog spoke of.


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