Is there any activity in near Cotton Valley Area north of Minden?

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Aurbrey, the well was a vertical well. So a 3.3 million flow rate is decent for this type of well.
CV Field is becoming of interest.

Depositional and Field Development Model, Gray Sandstone (Jurassic), Cotton Valley Field, Northern Louisiana

The Gray Sandstone series (lower Buckner Formation, Upper Jurassic) in Cotton Valley field, northern Louisiana, consists of discrete sandstone lobes of limited lateral extent. The continuity of the Gray Sandstone across the area is due to the overlapping of discrete sandstone lenses. Net sand isopach maps show the Gray Sandstone to be a series of dip-parallel lobes clustered at the mouth of a feeder channel that bifurcates downdip. Individual lobes may be amalgamated with adjacent lobes and contain sedimentary features and ichnological fabrics most commonly associated with episodic storm deposits. Production from the Gray Sandstone series in Cotton Valley field comes from over a large, doubly plunging, salt-induced anticline. Production occurs both over the crest and on the flanks of the structure.

2008 Joint Meeting of The Geological Society of America, Soil Science Society of America, American Society of Agronomy, Crop Science Society of America, Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies with the Gulf Coast Section of SEPM
ATWELL, Brian W., Geology, Texas Christian University, Box 298830, Fort Worth, TX 76129,, HENK, F.H., Energy Institute, Texas Christian University and Matador Resources, Box 298830, Fort Worth, TX 76129, and BREYER, John A., Department of Geology and Energy Institute, Texas Christian University, P.O. Box 298830, Fort Worth, TX 76129
this newer well at 13000 ft...does that necessarily mean Haynesville shale(COTTON VALLEY FELD)

0 10 237386 CV SU;XTO WELORI LUMBER 3 001 01-APR-08 X004 003-20N-10W 2944 COTTON VALLEY 13000
I asked that same question on This guy was thinking about leasing his shallower zones for $250 per acre and leaving the haynesville untouched.I was like , how do you as a commoner know they stopped right before they got to whatever sand or strata. I told the guy that if he were on the shale it wasn't worth taking the chance for a couple hundred measley bucks an acre.I got jumped for giving bad advice but I still haven;t gotten an answer to my question!

When you look at the distance between Top Cotton Valley and Top Haynesville on this map ,you are looking at 500'. When you figure in the Lower Cotton Valley that they speak of in the newspaper in O & G section, that has to lay inbetween the 2, it certainly doesn't leave much room for error.If it is dead center you are only talking about 250'.Then you also have to consider " according to the experts" that the depths are not a straight line that runs length of map. It is deeper in places and shallower in others.I sure would love for someone to explain this one to me real slow!!!!
I am a landowner of 100 acres at T22 R9/R8 in the Leton area, near Blackburn. I was curious if the rumor about stopping at 19 and going no further was true? I sure hope not. It seems like everyone around us is of interest...I assumed that our area would be very productive too. Are we in the 'sandy' part of the shale??
Anyone in this area heard any good news?
Thanks so much!! Good luck everyone!
The last I heard was the pipeline landman from MidContinent. He told me that representatives of H. Ross Perot are inquiring about specific landowners who dealt with the easement expansion. He stated that Webster and Claiborne are potential and the activity in three years will be incredible. In short, do not worry, only wait.
hello har c2, was wondering if you could e- mail me a map of the cotton valley field that would include the township and section i am in, so i can see how far south i am from this field and and how far east or west i am of it too., please e- mail me at and i can give you my complete township, sect r,,thanks
Can anyone help with info from well serial # 237386. It looks like a test well, but someone with more knowledge may think different. Its a XTO Energy well in 03-20N-10W Webster parish. It has perfs from 11290 to 11342 feet, (52 feet) is this usual? Its producing 336 MCFD is this good or bad?
Thanks Moonman
This is minimal production from Gray Sand. it is in my opinion jus O.K>
I would not be real pleased if I were WI owner. 52 feet is adequate for good well.
After more research, I found another well in the same section 03-20N-10W. Its well #236621 it has deeper perfs from 11535 to 11571 (36 feet). It produced 3679 MCFD which is reasonable output for a vertical well I think. Same section big difference in results.
336 mcfd is about average for the depth of that vertical well. I see similar numbers from vertical leasehold wells all over the area. Even in the hot southern caddo parish area. Its the wells that go deeper into the actual haynesville shale that produce the amazing numbers.
This is good production for Gray Sand well in this area.



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