As I stated in earlier post, let's BUCKLE our seat belts and brace for the downhill ride!  STORAGE down 116 BCF today. We should meet the five year withdrawal  of 1.478 TCF by mid march. Personally I am just glad to be in the corem at the same time I pray gas will not drop too much below 4.00$  But it has been fallingn faster than OBAMA'S approval rating for a couple of weeks.


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lethal, better watch out you may be labeled a "naysayer"! LOL! The operable thought should be "don't shoot the messenger!"
Naysayer? ................Naysayer!
very disheartening indeed. we're solidly within the 5-year storage average, but rig counts just keep on going up.

seems to me that fear is the main drag on the ng market right now, but perception is indeed reality.
I think the drilling companies are saving my gas for when the prices get higher...
I remember back in the 80's after the last oil boom in Texas went bust..and we were going around with bumper stickers that said " Lord let there be another oil boom , I promise not to spend all the money"



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