Has anyone been contacted lately about leasing in Sabine Parish, especially any in 7N R11W?  If so, how much are they offering per acre and how much royalty?

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skip  section 27 near pleasant hill has been opened to leasing.  gep haynesville killed the broadway well and is releasing for 500 per acre and 20%.   Can anyone lease this section or only gep haynesville.

Jerry, from what you offer it sounds like any prior leases have expired along with that broadway well.  If leases were still in force, GEPH wouldn't be offering new leases.  So any party may make lease offers in that Section 27 (there are many Sections 27, one in fact in each township).  It is generally good to negotiate with the company that would be likely to drill the wells as opposed to an investor.  Keep in mind that the bonus payment is the least important lease term.  So a little higher bonus is a poor alternative for a lower royalty fraction.  That being said, the GEPH lease terms that I have heard lately are really low ball offers on both the bonus and the royalty.  Competition for leases is good for mineral owners.  I accepted you "friend" request and you can now access my personal page.  If you'd prefer not to post your township and range in an open discussion, you can do it there although there is nothing wrong with posting it here.  The exact location is important to providing the best feedback.

skip section27 T10N R11W

That's good rock under your feet, jerry.

Skip,    Is there any activity in 9N 10W in Natchitoches Parish?

None that I am aware of related to Haynesville/Bossier.  There is some ongoing development for the Paluxy formation in the far north of the township.

Thanks for the information.

You're welcome, Thomas


What can you tell me about pricing in Section 10, T5N, R11W, Sabine Parish, Lousisiana?  I assume waiting another 6-18 months would be best for getting highest price?

Erik,  the prospects for 7N regarding Haynesville/Bossier shale are currently not established.  You are seven miles further south.  I'm unsure that 18 months will be sufficient for exploration to reach that far.  Or, that it ever will. 

Erik, FYI. I made a comment on your personal page.

This week, my mailbox dramatically confirmed the central theme of this thread.  I received a notice on behalf of Vine Oil and Gas of applications for 23 CULs in sections 2, 11, and 14 of 9N, 12W and 35-10N, 12 W.  The wells are divided between "Mid-Bossier" and "Lower Haynesville" formations.  There are currently 2 producing HA wells in 2 9N 12W, one a CUL that includes 35 10N 12W, operated by Vine and GEP.  I received notice of a partition of the joint Vine-GEP properties earlier this year, but my current royalty checks continue to be from both.  Looks like Vine ended up with these properties.

The 23 wells is pretty mind-boggling.



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