BlackBrush O&G LP applies to form a 1440 acre Austin Chalk drilling unit in 1N - 2E.

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Good that there is some activity - figure it is a mix of oil and water being trucked out. With water being the majority of the loads.

Thanks for the update

Why is that well listed status on Sonris as Shut in Dry hole, Future utility?

As for the SONRIS filing, impossible to know what Blackbrush is doing as to that issue. But my gut / guess is that this may be referring to the "original" wellbore that was re-entered and not the "new" lateral that was drilled.

Just a wild guess

But hard to ignore tanker truck activity - something is being trucked off location and that something can only be coming out of the wellbore.

Remember that any rates on this well will be small due to hole size and lateral length. The keys to interpreting what is happening here will be water volumes, oil cut, gas / GOR and water chemistry / analysis.

Info that we will not see very much of on SONRIS or anywhere else - but Blackbrush is looking at this VERY closely!

Just my opinion on what is happening here. Wish I knew more

I suspect it is because that is how Blackbrush reported it last.  I think you may have heard that we have a state budget problem?  The Office of Conservation has not been immune to the cuts in funding and staff.  All reports take longer to process and be entered in the database so exercise a little patience.  As an example of how much lag time now exists at the OOC, it takes 6 months on average for an operator to be issued an LUW Code for a new well.  Without a code, the operator can not report production.  I'm following a number of wells completed in January that still have no reported production in the database.  That's an inconvenience for me but it is also an excuse for operators to delay paying royalties.  Mineral lessors having to wait half a year from first production to first check is ridiculous.

Skip, good input on this issue. Nice to have someone on the discussion who is familiar with the inner workings of how things "work"

Thx guys.... just looking to hear good news from Blackbrush and EOG.  Read on Sonris , new well permitted in pointe Coupee on 6-19-2018.,,   At 17995 TVD.  Couldn’t tell what company, just happy to see these companies aren’t scared to go to 18000 

Thx Jay,  I live close to there in Oscar La. , southern tip of false river. 

Ah, Oscar.  Home of the original Ralph & Kacoo's on False River.  Best hush puppies I ever ate.

Exactly right Skip,  been there myself back in the day. 

I was there.  45 years ago.  First thing I noticed walking up to the door was all the folks leaving with white paper bags with grease spots.  Takin' some hush puppies home!

If ever back around new roads  take in some lunch at Hotails on hospital road.  You won’t be disappointed . 

Thanks for the referral.  I'd like to try the place.



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