BlackBrush O&G LP applies to form a 1440 acre Austin Chalk drilling unit in 1N - 2E.

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Nothing new in SONRIS either. Hope to see some sort of update soon

<some sort of update soon>>>

Like P&A?

I don't think it's over yet.

However, talking a little over my head,  if the cuttings analysis showed adequate presence of hydrocarbons and the frac job fractured the matrix rock and did not produce, well, so much for the permeability thing in that neck of the woods.. 

Continued tanker truck activity indicates something is filling up the storage tanks on site.

There will be water (frac fluid) - question is oil cut percentage in that total volume.

Doug, I have no on the ground intelligence.  Only my weekly rig report and SONRIS.

Can anybody tell me why all adjoining landowners around me have been contacted and leased but l have yet to have a return call or any contact with a lease person?  Any insight in this would be appreciated. 

Are you sure you own the mineral rights?  If so, is your ownership clearly evidenced in the public record? A deed, a judgement of possession or a donation recorded at the courthouse?

Yes, we do own our property and mineral rights.  We had signed a 5 year TMS  lease approx 8 years ago but it was not renewed.

An executed lease is not proof of mineral rights ownership.  The level of due diligence used in leasing is minimal compared to going through a Division Order title review for a producing well.  Do you have a copy of the document that proves your ownership?  Have you done a review of well history for you section?

Danny leased 11.11 acres in Section 8-T2N-R2E on 5-29-2012 to Halcon.

Skip, what type of document proves mineral ownership?  If such a document is not at hand, how does one go about obtaining or creating one?

Thank you for your response.

If the land was purchased, there should be a deed.  If inherited, there should be a succession or judgement of possession.  If donated, a donation deed.  You are looking to accomplish two things.  First, your proof of ownership.  Second, that none of those conveyances from one individual to another contains a reservation of minerals.  If there are no producing wells in your section, and no unsuccessful wells were drilled in the last ten years, then it is highly likely, but not totally certain, that any mineral servitude created by a reservation of minerals would have expired.  If there is no reservation in that chain of conveyances, you should be good to go.

BlackBrush, Tanker Trucks going in and out....



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