Devon completes third horizontal Cotton Valley well in Lincoln Parish, and other horizontals being drilled.

Devon's Cook Estate 30 H, Section 30, T19N-R2W, has been potentialed at 5.181 mmcfd, and the J. B. Jiles 30 H, Section 30, T19N-R2W, potentialed at 6.148 MMCFD and 60BOC.

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It looks to me like Sections 1 and 36 are going to be in the same unit. A site has been staked off. And Indigo says they will drill north and south from the same location.
Now I have the correct info. The first well that is staked (near the south line of Section 1, T18N-R4W) is to be drilled South into Section 12, T18N-R4W. They seem to have plans to drill north into the large unit to the north at a later date, perhaps from the same location.
BD, I hear that WH has 2 rigs working the Terryville on a 2 year contract.  Have you heard otherwise?  I see they are also drilling in the Lisbon Field as well so I would assume they have more than 2 rigs working... Hope all is well.

Hey Dave,

Thats pretty much what I have been hearing. Good luck to you!

The Sumlin 11- 1 H (Sec. 11, T18N-R4W) is scheduled for frac around August 14th to 17th. They have 140 frac tanks set up on three locations for the frac job. Pretty large frac job, they must have high hopes. Also Indigo has applied to drill a horizontal into Section 12, T18N-R4W, and they are drilling from a surface location in Section 1, T18N-R4W.
Devon's Rabb well (their latest Ruston HZ) is producing ~2 MMCFD on compression. This is considerably less than their other wells in the field. They spudded the Wyatt Lumber this past weekend.

Does anyone know anything about S12 T19N R1 W. Its a  cv site but havent heard from anyone since the proposed well site app.Also whats the size of a section? i see a well on sonris with the same coordinates as mine. The only thing different is mine says cvdavis RASU 78 and the one on sonris is 77. Any help would be greatly appreciated as I am new to all of this




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