People around me have been getting division order letters but me and others have not. THe division orders are from petrahawk. So it would seem they all sighned with Petrahawk. The rest of us sighned with CHK and they are the ones who drilled our well. Will the people who sighned with CHK get a division order also?????

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I have one with XTO that has been producing since January, 2011 and still no Division Order.  Chesapeake is not the only one that is slow getting out Division Orders.

Write your own and send it to them!

Here is what it needs to say..Louisiana RS 31:138.1    Google it

The XTO wells are in Texas, so LA Mineral Code doesn't help me.

our well went on line in October. We got our DO about a month ago. Hoping for checks soon.


I have a small part of 2 XTO wells, they were drilled 1 year ago, producing and selling gas for 8-9 months  ,                                                                  NO division orders yet!!

With all the concerns about potential inaccuracies mentioned all through this discussion, I see no one discussing should you even sign the division orders.  Doesn’t a signature “guarantee” your interest?  If you guarantee a lower amount then are you stuck with that forever?  Can’t you just send them address and tax ID number to meet the other requirements?  Anyone want to address that topic?

LA. mineral law does not require a lessor to sign a DO in order to receive royalty payments.  You do need to provide a Form W-9 for tax purposes.

I did not see any where in my division order documents that said I am supposed to provide a W-9 form. Is that only if you decide not to sign the DO?  If I am required to send this info with the DO, where would I get this W-9 form?

Usally that was provided at the time the lease was signed.

The most important thing to check in the DO is that your decimal of interest is correct. I am in my second experience with a company to get acreage corrected. The people doing titles for these companies are super busy and human and make mistakes. It is the mineral owner's responsibility to make absolutely sure he/she is being credited for correct acreage. If you feel the company is wrong then get on this site and do your research. This site is full of great resources. The resources and the experience of Jay, Les, Skip, and everyone else has been of great value to me

Shouldnt the acreage that was listed in the original documents be enough proof? Before we signed the lease with them in 2008, all property information was given to them through documentations from our mortage company that show the actually amount of acreas listed.  On my DO papers, I am seeing a shortage of 0.021909. I have contacted Chesapeake but have yet to receive a reply.

Gas companies may pay the bonus on acreage listed, but their attorneys and division order dept. make sure that the acreage is correct. A lot of times the acreage isn't exactly what the mortgage co. has on record unless it was surveyed by gps.



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